Lumbar Support


New Member
Hi again!

The T50 seat is killing my back! Has anyone come up with a remedy for lumbar support? I’m used to the Rans XP seat which has 6 adjustable straps.

All the best,


Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
Try putting some adhesive backed 1cm thick foam pads in the proper areas. I have had 2 layers of it (2cm total) for my lumbar support for about 3 years so far and love it.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I formed a nice lumbar piece from a 1" thick "garden kneeling pad". I tapered both ends to a point and made it fit my back perfeclty.
I attached velcrow to it and that way I can position it were I want it and move it around if needed. This also helps me from sliding around in the seat when appling max power.
Larry V20 with lumbar piece.jpg


After trying for over a year to get a comfortable lumbar option, I just ordered a Thor fiberglass seat. It's a gamechanger. So much more comfortable and great lumbar support. Check my threads for how I did the conversion.


Active Member
After trying for over a year to get a comfortable lumbar option, I just ordered a Thor fiberglass seat. It's a gamechanger. So much more comfortable and great lumbar support. Check my threads for how I did the conversion.
@rx7mark I don't see a thread for your conversion. What was the timeframe and topic name?


@rx7mark I don't see a thread for your conversion. What was the timeframe and topic name?


Active Member
Thanks! I see it's from 2018, I should have kept scrolling down through your posts.


Thanks! I see it's from 2018, I should have kept scrolling down through your posts
The seat goes great with an Emiljay mod.