Maria's sister has passed away

Jim Parker

Cruzbike, Inc. Director
Staff member
After a 20 month battle with brain cancer, she died this morning. Jenny raised five kids with her husband Ray. She gave Maria the inspiration for 3000 Miles to a Cure and her amazing victory in RAAM last year.



Zen MBB Master
Please Accept My Most Sincere Condolences

Please accept my most sincere condolences.


super slim

Zen MBB Master
Please accept my most sincere

Please accept my most sincere condolences, and I hope Maria is OK

Super Slim


Zen MBB Master
My sincere condolences and

My sincere condolences and may God's comfort be with your family.

Robert Holler

Staff member
Sincere condolences as well.

Sincere condolences as well. The legacy of the 3000 miles to a cure organization will keep her memory present always and keep fighting the good fight.



May God comfort and give

May God comfort and give Maria and the entire family hope and blessed assurance for the future. Maria's heart and soul displayed at last year's RAAM was, and will always be, an amazing tribute to her sister.


Well-Known Member
My prayers are with you

Hi Jim

My thoughts and prayers are with Jenny's family, Maria, you.

Kind regards... Blair


Well-Known Member
That's terrible news

Jenny and Maria are great inspirations to us all. The Race for a Cure will continue and we'll all continue to marvel at Maria's great effort. I share your sadness.


Zen MBB Master
"...things hoped for..."

" is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...

Yet what we have all seen is that Maria's sister was deeply loved. What a wonderful family and what a wonderful legacy.
May I add my condolences and prayers for Jenny and her family.



Guru Schmuru
My Deepest Condolences

Maria and Jim,
Please accept my deepest condolences for you and your family.
It was such a pleasure meeting you and some family members last month.
Though I never met your sister I can tell she has a good, open, and honest soul - I met it in all of you.

Continue to Have Hope and Be Well.