Me too!

And now, I have my new Sofrider:
First time, I was not able to start!
But after some hour: what a show!
THAT is a bike!
Thank You very much.

alt="My new Sofrider"
IMAG1little.jpg  width: 443px; height: 332px;
Wrap-around fenders?

Same question ^^^^. What is the make/model of the fenders/mudguards you've equipped your Sofrider with? Thanks.
Sorry, fenders are

Sorry, fenders are hand-made!

Now, I've some problem with chain: sometimes it fell off on the right side, shifting gears.
Any solution?


Recumbent Quant
HI Giorgio,
As far as the

HI Giorgio,

As far as the chain falling off, I'm not sure I have any great ideas. Is it when you are in a low gear in back (big cog) or high gear (small cog). If it happens in the small cog, I wonder if the chain is too long? (Just a wild guess).

Can you post pictures of how the rack is attached? It looks like you did a nice job with that.



Recumbent Quant
p.s. When you say the chain

p.s. When you say the chain fell off, you mean off of the front crankset right? Or do you mean it fell off of the rear cassette.

If you mean the rear cassette, there are two limit screws on the derailleur that set how far low (near the big cog) and how far high (near the small cog) the chain can go. This is what needs to be adjusted in that case. I recommend looking for youtube videos on how to adjust a rear deraileur.


New Member
mine too

My sofrider chain kept falling off, no matter what adjustments were made, until this was installed:

I hear some of the newer models already have em.
Chain is falling off in the

Chain is falling off in the front, yeah.
Alanst, so did you solved with "Salsa Chainring Guard 130MM 44T Max" ?
Is that right size for our Sofrider?

My Sofrider has only 8 gears (1 crown on the front):
will be useful "Salsa Chainring Guard 130MM 44T Max" ?

N.B. Excuse my bad english...

Alanst, please, can You post

Alanst, please, can You post some picture of "Salsa Chainring Guard 130MM 44T Max" mounted on your Sofrider?


How to adjust front derailleur

Google How to adjust front derailleur
There are plenty YouTube Vids showing how to adjust.


Recumbent Quant
He doesn't have a front


He doesn't have a front derailleur (yet?). The chain guard goes on the outside (pedal side) of the chainring. Whether or not it would help depends on on which side the chain is falling off. If it is falling off on the pedal side, this should stop it.

Giorgio, what are you doing when it falls off? Shifting into higher (smaller cogs) gears? lower (bigger cog) gears?

Depending on how level it is where you ride, it turns out it is easy to install a double or triple crank. You'll have to install a front derailleur and shifter, but that is relatively easy as well. In addition to having more gear range, having a well-tuned front derailleur may stop your current problem.

It falls off when I shift

It falls off when I shift into higher.

How much expensive can be installing a double crank?
I live in flat place, no hills, and "Salsa Chainring Guard 130MM 44T Max" costs about 40 dollars...



Recumbent Quant
When I upgraded to a triple,

When I upgraded to a triple, I used:

triple crank:

bottom bracket:

You'd also need:

front derailleur:

front shifter:

That sums to $84, plus you'd either need to buy or borrow some tools (crank puller and bottom bracket tool) and might need some odds and ends.

So chain ring guard is cheaper. If you have the gearing you need, that's probably fine. I personally like lots of gears. :)

Regardless, your chain shouldn't be falling off. Can you take a picture of the drivetrain (rear wheel and crankset) with the bike in both the highest and lowest gear? My guess is that your chain is too long and that the derailleur can't handle it. If I'm right (and I may very well be wrong here), the solution is to shorten the chain.

Chain tool:

Master link:

Where the master link isn't mandatory, but probably a good idea for chain maintenance.


p.s. In the interest of full discloser, I do in fact own master links. I just, ummm..., haven't gotten around to installing them yet. :)

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
You could put a FD on it, to

You could put a FD on it, to stop the chain coming off - you don't have to actually add extra rings or an extra shifter.


Zen MBB Master
What Mr. Tolhurst Said!

A front derailleurs' cage will keep your chain on your front ring
... at least as well as a chainguard would, and probably better.

I installed a triple front chain ring set on my Sofrider V1, replacing the stock single ring.
I did not have a front derailleur... I didn't really know which one to install, so I rode my
bike for a while with no FD installed.

Guess what?
The chain would fall away from it's front ring on choppy road surfaces,
pot holes, bad pedaling technique... my fingers were pretty black in those days.

With the FD in place, the chain stays put.

Shortening the chain will help, but make absolutely sure that it's not so short
that it will tear your transmission apart.

So will adding a chain tensioner. You know, like a rear derailleur cage/bogie wheel assembly.

Good luck!

Great ideas; I thank You all

Great ideas; I thank You all very very much.

I'll test a front derailleurs' cage.
But I can't buy (from Italy) in the useful link of Charles cplager:

Where can I buy it, here from Italy?
Please, give me a link, I am afraid of making mistakes and wrong buy.
For example,

For example, here:

May I buy FIRST option "Size: 42-32-22T"
or second option "Size: down pull, down swing, 48T-38T-28T (with shell 34," ?

I can't buy that item

I can't buy that item from

Are You able find it on or other sites, please?



Recumbent Quant does not have a does not have a great selection of derailleurs, or deragliatore if you will as far as I can tell (I can read French, but not Italian, so I'm not guaranteeing anything).

You want something that can clamp on to 34.9mm tube.

Good luck!
