My Fair(ed) Silvio!

Robert Stewart

Active Member
So I finally fixed my camera and took a few shots of my faired Silvio. These initial pics are mainly just to give an idea of how I have the fairing set up and how it looks on the bike. Bear in mind, this was just before leaving to visit my family for the holidays, and I didn't have a chance to clean the bike up. Anyway, on with the pics...

EDIT: Just a quick update to say I have decided, with a heavy heart, to sell my fair Silvio. It's been grand, but I have taken a path towards fully faired vehicles and I cannot continue down that road on the Silvio.

Robert Stewart

Active Member
A view from the front, and another from the driving position. As you can see in the latter, the fairing actually sits on the hoods, giving a very sturdy four-point mounting system and keeping my hands protected from the elements.

Robert Stewart

Active Member
Finally, here are some close-ups of my fairing-mounted lighting solution. I decided to mount the lights low down on the front, where they don't interfere with my view when riding - see the driving-position pic higher up to see what I mean.
Cheers, and merry xmas to everyone! :D
p.s. Any questions on my setup are welcome
I think you done very well mounting it on your Silvio! :cool: I went for a ride on Sunday with my streamer on my Phantom. I also use the streamer on my Sofrider. On Sunday the roads were dry the temperature was +3°C I met 4 riders on off-road bikes one had winter tires with spikes. The winter tires don’t roll very well I know because I have them on my Sofrider. They were young riders but they went slow and I stayed behind I was able to use very little energy riding behind them. If the downhill was steep I had to use my brakes and the slack hills I didn’t have to pedal when they pedaled! I also found out an other good thing about the streamer it also deflects sand. We have had snow and ice on the road so they have used sand and being behind I did get some sand from the bikes in front but it was deflected over my head. In the summer it also deflected bugs over my head. I hope you have fun and many good rides. ;) :D



Good looking ride! It appears your fairing fits better than the Mueller I currently have on my other bike. How's the riding experience? Feel better/worse? Can you feel a difference in speed or temp?

Thanks for posting such nice photos.
