My Fastest Century Ever!!!

Terry Ulmer

4A6E8255-8C0D-482E-AF81-519CAFF31A55.jpegThe Evenston Northside Century. I had a lot of people ask for me about this bike and was happy to answer them all. When you can climb,sprint and get a lot of advantages on the down hill it’s a great day. A lot of Diamond Frame riders told me they doubted me in the beginning. I think I changed all their minds when I finished with them at the end. Thanks for creating this fantastic Vendetta Cruzbike. Loving it!!! My Fastest Century Ever!!!


Zen MBB Master
Wow! congratulations! How long have you had the Vendetta? The chain-stays look different from the the rest of the bike.

Terry Ulmer

Wow! congratulations! How long have you had the Vendetta? The chain-stays look different from the the rest of the bike.
Thank ak-tux
I had the Vendetta for two years. I would like the next longer model above this one.
Chain-stays not original and I don’t know the story behind that one.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Great job - and what a fantastic picture! A beautiful version of the pre-hydro-formed frame! - with the massive aluminum boom - beautiful Vendetta racing yellow. You wear it well Terry! Would love to see the Strava or Garmin data to droll over!