I didn't want to bore people with more posts about my parking lot drills and figure 8 practice. They've been happening, but just not reported. Each practice session led to improvement and I can now perform slow speed turns tighter and more easily on the V20 than on any of my other high racers. That's even fully reclined. Sitting up makes it easy to u turn in a parking spot. I'm pleased with the progress from 2 weeks of practice.
I also practiced straight line starts and peddling while sitting up. Starts are strait about 9 out of 10 times.
So, the exciting part, for me anyway, was taking the V20 out on the road for the first time today. I took a route that I regularly ride. It's just a 12 mile loop along fairly quiet roads with some small rolling hills. The ride went quite well. Not perfect, still a bit swervy at times, but overall it went well. Tension set in a few times as cars were passing but it was easy to relax again after they passed and return to open palm riding. I was able to rest my head on the headrest while coasting and gently peddling. But, peddling hard using the headrest needs practice. I hit a top speed of 27mph. It's not too fast, but I see no reason to push it quite yet.
The handle bars needed tweaking to make for less reach while still being able to sit up. I just lowered/swiveled the bars down and it helped alot. I also lengthened the boom so my legs were less bent. Also a big help.
It was fun to have it out on the street. I even tied my third best times on some strava segments without trying.