My Quest got stolen in Australia


New Member
Thanks for the kind remarks,

Thanks for the kind remarks, John.
Most people would try and get a stolen bike back to the owner.

I can emphasize with Frank.



New Member
Nothing will prevent mugging;

Nothing will prevent mugging; I heard that in some places in South America people have to drive through red simply to avoid the muggers. I'll eventually have to go in cities, and might not be able to find out in advance which neighborhoods should be avoided, and criminals will go to other neighborhoods anyway, so I just want to be prepared for that eventuality. I'm sure that any functioning bike will be valuable enough to some, sellable or not. I just try to lower the chance. I don't live in fear and most South American people I know are very kind and humble, but I'm just being as prepared as I can.

Since I made another diy cruzbike that's almost ready I'll continue with that one and send the cruzbike back to my family in the Netherlands for later use (somehow it's just as expensive as sending it to New Zealand). I expect to travel 2 more years until returning home, and this new bike will probably be worn out by then.

The cruzbike got stolen while I was away for half an hour, just 10 meters away, but not able to see or hear it (I was practicing guitar). It would take a few minutes to get it to a car. The view was quite open, but I couldn't see them, and I didn't see them when I ran around either, or when I checked the possible hiding spots. I'm sure they didn't ride on it, but apparently it can be hidden or moved quickly enough. Because it started to become dark, and this dodgy guy seemed to be following me while talking on the phone with nobody else around, I decided to go to safety and avoid asking people if they might have seen something. My heart was already racing either way and I didn't want to get mugged as well.. The stuff that was on my bike was not valuable (I wouldn't leave that on there), but it appeared to be thrown around violently and systematically. They even took the time to rip open some condoms that were in there.