Need 100mm Silvio Chainstay Extension


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I had the wonderful opportunity to drive to Lumberton, NC (only 4 hours away) to meet Jim and Maria Parker and to see and ride Maria's Vendetta. All I can say is WOW!
Makes my Silvio 2.0 seem slow now! And of course now I want one! (All I have to do now if figure out what to sell to raise the money. haha!

One suggestion that Maria had (for my Silvio) was to install a 100mm Chainstay Extension (which they are currently out of). This would have the effect of making my Silvio boom almost horizontal and will improve my aerodynamics significantly! I plan on participating in the Mid-Atlanitc 12/24 event on August 23 and would really like to get one and get it installed so I could acclimate to it in advance of the event.

Does anyone out there in Cruzbike-land happen to have one of these 100mm ?Silvio Chainstay Extensions they would be willing to part with?
If so, please give me a call or email.

Thanks in advance,
Larry Oslund

Robert Holler

Staff member
I should have said that

I should have said that Cruzbike has them. :)

Shipping for those is via USPS so pretty inexpensive to places within the US.



Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Thanks for the reply

I will have one to try now in a day or 2.
Thanks again Bob for the loaner via David.
If anyone else needs one, see Cobra Gt, or per Rose City's post above


100mm chain stay extension

Larry and Rick,
I see that you where looking to migrate to a Vendetta.
But I hope you will modify your Silvio with the chain stay extension before.
I have an extension on hand, but are no sure if I want to install it right now.
I would really appreciate to get your impressions from this modification.
Waiting for your posts.

Rick Youngblood

CarbonCraft Master
Marc, I will have mine

Marc, I will have mine installed next week and will post back.

I'm not sure how it will place back/hip to leg geometry. The Silvio and Vendetta seem to have the same back/hip to leg geometry between the two.

I believe Ivan uses the 100mm extension on his S2, but I have not read whether or not he has compared with and without.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Hoping to get mine installed this week

Will report back to the forum my impressions.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
my impressions on the 100mm extension on my S2.0

I put it (the 100mm extension) on last Thursday (2014.07.31) and finally rode a long ride on Saturday: 150 miles with about 15,000 feet of climbing. I think my reach was over-extended and I developed debilitating cramps in both calves, plus my (slightly injured) left knee swelled up pretty significantly. It did not really seem like I could climb as well either, but with the cramps it is really hard to say.
I have stayed off the bike since then (5 whole days now - which is killing me!). I have also special ordered a set of 150mm cranks and with luck will install them tonight and test. I was hoping to ride an easy century this Saturday as my final long ride before the Mid-Atlantic 12/24 event on August 23rd, but have found that riding long rides after major changes does not work well! Imagine that! I just hope I can come up with a good solution before the event, or else I might just have to pass.

Other observations:
After mounting the extension, my boom and handlebars really lowered into my belly area. I am small and fairly thin, so that was not a problem, but I was amazed at how low it came. I could not even fit a water bottle under the boom now. So that was not too great! But I could mount and ride ok.
I may have moved my boom (BB) out too far in an attempted to lessen the bend angle in my knee (which was between 60-70 degrees), which was still way too sharp. Once I did that and really scooted forward on the seat, my knee angle was better, but my reach I think was way too much. It did not seem to affect me on my little 1 or 2 mile test ride, but it sure did when I went farther and exerted more.
I am really hoping that the switch to the 150mm cranks and maybe bringing the BB a little closer, this will correct the bad position. Gary (BentAero - who lives near me and is helping me), also thinks that I may need to drop down to a 50 or 60mm extension, thinking that the 100 is just too much. (Ratz, did you ever commission one of these? If so, how was it, etc?)
In the end, I am not really convinced that the extension really give a significant aero advantage. Sure the feet are higher up and the handlebars are lower, but your main torso is still in the same position. I will have to examine more before and after photos. I did not realized there was so much adjusting to do, but I think it is definitely necessary.
Thanks everyone!