Nice People

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Well, I guess it had to happen sooner, or later.. I've heard the stories and had stuff thrown in my general direction. Tonight, though, on my way home from work, I was struck by a thrown soda bottle. Thankfully, the a$$hole had the decency to put the cap on, so I didn't get a soda bath. :roll: It struck me solidly on the collar bone and hurt like hell. Surprisingly, I hardly even wobbled. Didn't even come close to going down. It might have been a different story had it hit my head... I wondered for a minute if my collarbone was broken, but a second or two of moving it around revealed to me that it was just sore. When I got home, I saw that I had a nice bruise to show for my adventure.

Pretty amazing, I guess. I was enraged, at first. How stupid could you be to throw something like that at somebody not bothering you one bit? But, we're not dealing with rocket scientists, here. I consider myself lucky that after all these years, I guess it was just my turn. I once had a lime thrown at me (missed) and my daughter and I had a grapefruit thrown at us (missed), but this time, I ran out of luck. I'll live, just a bruised collarbone and ego.



Zen MBB Master
The title, "Nice People" is a blatant lie.
You knew that, right?
There. I can be as sarcastic as anyone... even you!

My first thought after having read your account was,
"I'm glad Mark wasn't armed!"

Ride on, Mark.
Ride on!



Zen MBB Master
OW! I hope it was a plastic of those old 7oz Coke bottles...well, I don't want to think about that. :x

I haven't had stuff thrown at me, only epithets...and only a "get off the road!"

Glad you're ok. I guess idiots & ***holes are a hazard we have to live with whilst being out amongst the rest of humanity. You can't hide from 'em either...they seem to know where to find anyone.

I'd go ride...but we're down to the twenties (-5C) today and nearly 10F tonight (-12C). I'm staying inside!


Active Member
Hey Mark,
Glad you're okay... You're just riding along, jamming, in your own happy bike world and BAM! Hell, the startle reflex alone would have probably had me crashing or swerving into oncoming traffic or worse! Just yesterday, I had a guy in a Jaguar shake his head at me like "NO-NO", and I wondered what I had done....I stopped at the light, was in my bike lane....What!

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
The bottom line is, though; these cretins are in the minority of automobile drivers. It's rare that you will encounter one of these a$$es and most mean you no real harm. Most are probably jealous they don't have the time, or more likely, the ambition to take on the challenges we do with our bicycles. So, they make like we're stupid and take out their own petty frustrations with themselves on us.

Again, these people are among the minority.... Don't let these butt-crusts take away from your cycling pleasures. I know I won't!
