'Optional Zwift Cog' and Virtual Shifting with Kickr v.6 with Firmware v5.2.15 Now Available


Vendetta Love
For those who might be interested... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etQIiaFn_5s

The Wahoo v.6 with Firmware v5.2.15 now includes virtual shifting. If you have that you can use your existing cassette as long as it has a 14 tooth sprocket. You will also need the Zwift Play Controllers or the Zwift Click. If you have the Zwift Cog + Click Upgrade Kit, there is a simple way to get the the Zwift Cog to work with your Wahoo v.6 with Firmware v5.2.15. See the video for details.

P.S. Wahoo is in the process of enabling virtual shifting on previous Kickr models by way of a firmware upgrade so keep an eye out for that.

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I've thought about this setup. I think it's an improvement over a derailleur system. For @trplay, fewer chain breakages. At least, no derailleur induced chain drops. Also, power on shifting.
I have a V2. Wahoo told me to watch for firmware but my trainer may be too old.

Paul Mez

New Member
If it helps, I just set up Zwift Core with the Zwift Cog and Zwift Click. Only have a couple of test rides and one good ride (FTP Test) completed. Hardware setup was easy. Software setup was more troublesome. Upgrading the firmware can't be done using newer versions of Android. Had to find someone with an iPhone to help out. (That's info from Zwift - not just my incompetence.) Once set up however, everything seems to work fine. Nitpicking perhaps but I can't seem to get the Zwift Clik to automatically connect. So far I have to add it manually each time which is a minor nuisance but easy enough. I also need to click it when connecting, so Zwift can find it.

As to functionality, there's a second or two delay before the shift is indicated in the display so I suppose it's not as fast as shifting on your bike. Shifting one gear at a time also likely not as fast as with your bike either. I don't see it as a problem, but if you're a Category A racer perhaps that will concern you. My FTP test put me in with the sick, lame and lazy (Category D) but it was my best effort as a newbie.

Looking forward to riding with other Cruzbikers soon.