Ouch! I crashed Wednesday

The Brook

Well-Known Member
I relearned a hard lesson on Wednesday, don't let yourself be carried away when conditions aren't perfect.

I was riding a road I regularily commute on, with a slight decline, and a strong tailwind, so that I was going MUCH faster than I normally go on that stretch of road.

When I got to the cross street I turn on, I didn't brake enough for the corner, and my back wheel caught some debris, and I skidded for a short moment, then the wheel reconnected, and I did a classic High side flip, landing hard on my right side.

I scraped my elbow pretty badly, and badly bruised my hip. I was very lucky I didn't go 1 foot further, as there was a curb there. Also, I was lucky to have my helmet on, as I lightly tapped the ground with it, No damage to my head, but I needed to replace the helmet. When I got home, I cleaned it up with Peroxyde, and put an Ice pack on it

Today, I was finally able to ride again, I was a little stiff, but I count myself lucky, it could have been worse

Ride safely,

Wow, glad you are ok. It only takes a second to go down. I do think you will have less injuries on a bent over a df. Heal quickly.


I'm glad you cleaned the helmet with H2O2 :eek: and gave it an ice pack for its pain :p

Glad you are ok. This might qualify in the You Know You are a Cruzbiker When" thread in the category of get back up and ride tomorrow category. And as Monty Python puts it, glad it was "only a flesh wound." :rolleyes:

super slim

Zen MBB Master
Your dear Friend, Mr Helmet, has done his job well, and deserves an early retirement!
His replacement should be bright yellow, or Lime Green, with reflective tape all around it so he can be noticed, and be the centre of attention!!

The Brook

Well-Known Member
Your dear Friend, Mr Helmet, has done his job well, and deserves an early retirement!
His replacement should be bright yellow, or Lime Green, with reflective tape all around it so he can be noticed, and be the centre of attention!!

Sadly, those color options were not available at my local LBS, I got a helmet similar to what Suz is wearing in her Atavar.

I'm glad you cleaned the helmet with H2O2 :eek: and gave it an ice pack for its pain :p

I like that one! I guess I dindn't QUITE specify what I cleaned :rolleyes:

Yesterday's ride helped the healing process, I was much more at ease on my commute back home, and was much more comfortable in the evening, probably due to the increased blood flow of the exercise I did.


Without Mr. Helmet, the centre where all the attention can be focussed (or distracted), would no longer be able to focus and therefore Mr. Helmet would cease to be the closest thing to the centre of attention. :confused:

The Brook

Well-Known Member
Glad you are OK. Where is the video? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I don't have a video camera yet. But it's something I plan to get in the future.