We really need some simple language around this. May I propose the following:
1) Angle Between Bottom Dead Centre and the Chain Tangent Point at the Ellipse Major Axis. Lets call this the Tangent Angle
2) Desired Angle Between Crank and Chain Tangent Point at the Ellipse Major Axis. Lets call this the Power Angle
To set up the rings, calculate the Retard Angle, which is 1) - 2). The Retard Angle tells you how far behind the cranks you should place the major axis of the ellipse.
Are you sure angle #2 shouldn't say "desired angle between bottom dead center and the crank when the ellipse major axis is at the chain tangent point"? The way angle #2 is described above I think it is the 91.6 angle from your original diagram, where it sounded like you meant for 1)-2) to be that 91.6. Also what does bottom dead center mean? Using my definition for #2 it doesn't really matter, it just needs to be a common point from which to measure the angles, but I want to be consistent.
My other remaining question regards the chain tangent point. The rotor instructions have us mark the rings at a point where
"the first tooth-through that fully engages the roller of the chain at the top of the Q-Ring (the side that pulls the chain)". I always had trouble deciding exactly where that point was, but I didn't end up selecting the tangent point where the chain and a radial line through the q-ring made a right angle.
You can tell in my photo, where I sort of followed the convention you described, putting the ellipse's major axis where it looked to me like it was engaging, but isn't quite on a tangent with the chain.
- Mark