Quest 2.0 vs 3.0

K Snyder

New Member

I'm looking for a used Quest and have a question about the 2.0 vs 3.0.

1. how big of deal are the upgrades on the 3.0?

2. How can I tell just by looking at a picture that it is a 3.0



Recumbent Quant
For 451 Quests, they are

For 451 Quests, they are still (as last I heard) selling Quest 2s. For 559 (26") Quest, they are selling Quest 3s. The major difference for the Quest 3 is they swapped out the suspension front fork for a fixed front fork.

As far as telling by looking, it's whether or not you see the suspension on the fork: This one has it. If you don't see the "black accordian" rubber below the headtube, then you have one without suspension.


K Snyder

New Member
Thanks Charles

Thanks for the info.

I have read your blog and it has bend helpful also.

can't wait to get one. :)



Active Member

I've had a Quest 2.0 for several months now. Bought it used for $1500, and I really enjoy it. I travel with it frequently. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at I also have a Sofrider V2
