Race Around Slovenia


Well-Known Member
Elevation Profile TS 7 to TS 8 [Stage8]:



What a move Aleksej made through 8 reporting stations—only to have to stop. One wonders what may have happened with better weather. Of course, the weather affect *most* equally.

Blog Entry




Well-Known Member
John Tolhurst wrote: Thanks for the updates Jim. It is always a thrill to see what folks can do on our bikes.
You are welcome John. Aleksej is doing well. It is fun to watch and cover him. --jim


Well-Known Member
This is what they are doing for him and ask of us.

Quote: Hypothermia

Withdrawals due to hypothermia contestants time again! Rain and wants and wants what ponehati, so that the Alexius wet all the time! It was cold. Before action is needed it is too late. We just make it more wear on the arms we gave him neoprene gloves, the shoes were pulled him polivinilaste bags ... We hope it will help.

To avoid possible hypothermia, we decided that we'll Winforce (one bottle per hour), now being mixed with warm water. Warm water does not have, camper was too far away, but action had to be fast, so we stopped with the first house where I Give canister of hot water and ran campaign. Lady, we were ready to help and gave us hot water, thank you very much!

On the ear there was us, that we are supposed to regularly and in large numbers to read and would like to have more frequent posts. We will try their best, but we have so much trouble now because of the weather that is simply not the time, as Alexei in the first place! We promise!

And one more thing: Alexey currently really need your support! CONTACT Therefore, write, write !!!!! All he can read!

Through joint efforts of our heroes on a bike!

I have been exchanging messages with the crew & posting comments since much earlier this morning. Write them a note [this does not cost you anything].

Encouragement helps.




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