Radical Design seat bag


Zen MBB Master
Put a solo racer wide panner :) bag on the Silvio.It fits pretty good. There are several straps for getting a good fit.I did drill one hole at back of seat and used the existing holes at lower part of seat for more tie points. This will keep the bags away from wheels and brakes. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master

Those look pretty good. How are they for putting on and taking off; can you get them off pretty quickly? Have you ridden much with them loaded down? I was curious if they sway around any.



Zen MBB Master
The rides I did they were lite loaded and didnt seem to sway.I might go to a few velcro straps for easy removal. Jack


Active Member
Looks like a good solution for carrying moderate amounts of stuff, ought to be enough capacity for commuting on a Silvio if you're inclined to do that. I'm surprised that you used the wide version, if I'd had to guess beforehand I'd have assumed the standard fitting bag would have been a better bet, but looking at the photos the wide version does seem to fit well.

I've been impressed myself with the Radical Design bags, I use a Solo Aero Standard seat back bag on my Bacchetta and it looks and fits great.


Zen MBB Master
Bent Up Cycles only had the wide ones but they are a good fit for the Silvio.I put 2 water bottles on back of the seat that hold the bags away from the tires and brakes. Bags are large enough for pump tubes and extra clothes, lock. I dont even feel them on the bike. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I wanted to give this thread a bump and ask Jack a few questions.

As winter approaches, the need to carry extra clothes and such becomes critical. I don't have means, as of yet, to do such and I'm not wild about a rack. The other thing is, I would like a bag that's easy on and off that will work on both my conversion and my Silvio. This bag looks to have some promise in this regard.

Jack, what are your continued impressions on the bags? Is the volume of space sufficient for a change of clothes, lunch and such? If a person was to locate a seamstress with some abilities, could the webbing mounts be reworked to allow easy on and off for the Cruzbike seats? In other words; do you think the bags are good enough to warrant the trouble to rework the attachment straps for our bikes? Do you think that reworking the straps to make the bags hang straight would eliminate the steps you have taken (water bottles) to keep the bags from the spokes?




Zen MBB Master
These bags hold about 1/2 as much as panners. I can get tools ,pump 2 tubes a jacket with room for more. It would be easy to add a few more mounting straps.I havent had any problem with them hitting the back wheel.You can check mine out on our next ride . Jack