Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Q-Rings to snazzy up your T50, Q-series or S/V-Series
These are for the big ring position or single rings, no small rings.
Qty 1 - QXL 46T - 110BCD 5-bolt
low mile rings; used on the trainer for cadence training
Qty 1 - Q-ring 52 - 110 BCD 5-Bolt.
This is from a Silvio. I'd call it medium mileage, but it should be good for at least 3-4 more seasons; we run wax'ed chain so there is wear is light other than the paint. I would call it one season of wear for a 3 day a week rider
taken - Qty 1 -QXL 46T - 110BCD 5-bolt low mile rings; used on the trainer for cadence training
taken - Qty 2 -QXL 46T - 110BCD B-bolt new unused. They were destined for the T50 builds but arrived late and i never go around to installing them before the T's inherited the ones from the V's
The QXLs are best for climbers and day riders; they are great on the Q and T series; if you ride leisurely, that's also their thing; you can orientate them for either mashing or spinning, depending on your pedaling style. The new ones will go to the first two claimed, but really there are all QXL are brand new. QXL, or equivalent, is all I ride now, as you'll see on the new build project.
$99 each + shipping
What's a Series Cruzbike without a Q-ring? --- a slower bike.

These are for the big ring position or single rings, no small rings.
Qty 1 - QXL 46T - 110BCD 5-bolt
low mile rings; used on the trainer for cadence training
Qty 1 - Q-ring 52 - 110 BCD 5-Bolt.
This is from a Silvio. I'd call it medium mileage, but it should be good for at least 3-4 more seasons; we run wax'ed chain so there is wear is light other than the paint. I would call it one season of wear for a 3 day a week rider
taken - Qty 1 -
taken - Qty 2 -
The QXLs are best for climbers and day riders; they are great on the Q and T series; if you ride leisurely, that's also their thing; you can orientate them for either mashing or spinning, depending on your pedaling style. The new ones will go to the first two claimed, but really there are all QXL are brand new. QXL, or equivalent, is all I ride now, as you'll see on the new build project.
$99 each + shipping
What's a Series Cruzbike without a Q-ring? --- a slower bike.

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