Rose City Recumbent Cycles

Robert Holler

Staff member
Hey everyone! If you are looking to try a Cruzbike in the Portland, Oregon area, we are gearing up for business and have our first Cruzbike in for demos - a Quest 3.0!

Please visit our page to set up an appointment or if you would like to order. We are planning over the winter to eventually have a Vendetta and a Silvio to demo as well!

Thanks so much - these bikes are amazing!

Robert Holler

Robert Holler

Staff member
Here by the end of the month

Here by the end of the month will also have a Vendetta and a disc brake equipped Silvio ready to go as well.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Robert, for letting

Thanks, Robert, for letting me get my Silvio feet wet on my Portland trip this June.

Guys, he is in a fairly flat area of SE Portland, but there are mild hills not too far away. You can start with the basics!
