RX Bike Sunglasses


I am planning to replace my RX cycling sunglasses and exploring options. I would prefer lens that prevent sunlight affecting my peripheral vision. I would welcome any input on a selection.

Thanks, Dean


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Tifosi podiums. They're great and you can get replacement lenses for $12.
USA or UK?

I've just bought some from Specsavers, the reactive outer lens is superb, I've not had to change it over the winter to either the clear or mirrored.


Prescription eyewear. I second the motion to convince someone to make a good solution that doesn't involve laser eye surgery for those who can't afford, isn't suitable or just plain would like the simplicity of glasses to correct eyesight. Need:
-full wrap similar to all sorts of sports glasses,
-peripheral vision is corrected out to straight forward looking peripheral vision at minimum,
-work well

If anyone knows of a company that does this, I for one and 3Whelz for another will gladly test and report!


I use Rec Specs and am on my second pair in 15 years. Got mine from the WalMart vision center. Have an Rx right on the edge of acceptable (because of the wrap curvature) and they work great. I even have a progressive bifocal in mine. They are padded and come with case and retention strap. My first pair even came with a floating retention strap.


Thanks everyone for your input. I have also been looking at SportRx as a source. I had planned to purchase a Giro Vanquish helmet, but was advised by Giro that they recommended against wearing prescription glasses in-conjunction with the visor.


Zen MBB Master
Really? That's a bummer that Giro doesn't want people to wear glasses under the Vanquish. I have a Bell Star. I wear glasses under the visor. That was the best feature!


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
wear glasses under the visor.
Bad news eh! I have to wear two pairs of glasses when riding the Vendetta as my eyes get sand blasted. If anyone already has this helmet... how do they find it?


Zen MBB Master
Not sure if the problem would be the same since Giro and Bell are the same company.
I didn't know that. My Bell Star works well with my glasses. Just a little warm in the summer. I wish it has more vents. The sliding vents are very nice.