Any recumbutt issues with the S40? The S40 seems the best choice, but so many reports on here about recumbutt at the 40 degree seat angle…. Tough to smoke that out during a brief tryout ride at one of the dealers.
I was initially a bit disappointed because I kept having recumbutt issues with the S40. However, after a year of riding, I have gone from being able to do 30 min rides (without stops) to 2 hour rides. This is with the stock seat.
I think it is a matter of getting used to the riding. Also, seat padding would make a difference, although I am just riding now with standard seat padding.
Level of exertion is another factor. I maintain Zone 2 for the most part.
I ride a Thor seat with ventisit on my V20. I can do 4 hour rides with ease on my v20.