S40 Fenders


It is getting to be that time of year here in Alaska--snow is melting and everything is wet (well, and frozen). Ideally I would like fenders that are easy to attach, stable while in place, and easy to remove--if you have recommendations and photos of installed fenders, please post.


Zen MBB Master
Quite an effort indeed. I had to custom-make mine. The front one is held on with fence wire. I always have a bit of fence wire somewhere on my bike. It is something a Fred has to do.


Yep--it is looking like it is not an easy task. I can ride my other bikes in the rain--may leave the S40 to nice weather only.

Here's mine. Similarly wet and muddy. SKS raceblades don't provide full coverage and needed a bit of supplementation. Worked very well on a wet and cold 50km this morning.

Bill K

I am using Velo Orange fenders. They work quite well but like all fenders they are a pain to install.
I used the same front mounting bracket @cpml123 shows (I stole the idea from him).
For the rear I used some 1" spacers and did not need to bend the fender struts.
It probably takes 5 or 10 minutes to take them off or re-install them. Race blades would be quicker.

More details here:
