Schlumpf Mountain Drive


Good morning all,

I'm interested to see if it's possible to install a Schlumpf Mountain drive with 2 chainrings on my older model Vendetta...
The clamps mount to the Bottom Bracket Cups, so I'm pretty sure it won't work, but wanted to run it by you very knowledgeable folks first :)

Thanks and God Bless,


whereabouts unknown
I am not a schlumpf guy, but unless the net width is too wide I don't see why it wouldn't fit.

If I may ask, Why exactly do you want to do this?


I believe the Schlumpf drive wouldn't allow the clamps purchase on anything, so I don't think it will work...

I'm using an 11x40 cassette and sometimes have issues shifting (it's been an intermittent issue). I have a long derailleur and I recently added a drop-out extension, but it's still there... I was thinking that use of the Schlumpf Mountain Drive with 2 rings and my front derailleur would give me the range I'm looking for, low for the hills and high for everything else.

The main reason for this consideration is that I came across a good deal on a couple of Schlumpf drives. I was thinking about using one for my trike and the other for my Vendetta...



In addition, trying to kick across the operating button would be hard whilst trying to keep the steering straight on a Vendetta.
I used to own a recumbent, tadpole type, trike with small wheels (16") all round which had a Schlumpf Speed Drive. That had plates running down the sides of the crank arms to help push the operating buttons in / across. Even then, I would occasionally miss the shift. The Speed Drive makes a X 1.65 upward gear shift.
125" top gear on that trike with Speed Drive engaged. ;):)

Even if you could make the Mountain Drive work on your Vendetta, the X 2.5 downward shift would probably end up with your front tyre breaking traction with the road surface?
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Did you ever install this Schlumpf Mountain Drive?
I am considering the same thing.

PS: I don't think you would need 2 chain rings if you have a Schlumpf