Silvio and Climbing

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
As a follow up.... While I have yet to try climbing anything very steep with it, I did try running the rear tire at 120# and the front tire at 85-90#. I didn't see any real performance drop-off, but the handling seemed to change a little. I also noticed the rear end was a little harsher. This is probably where some elastomer adjustments would be benificial. I did climb one hill where I have slipped the wheel off and on and got none last night. I don't consider that climb to be the acid test, though.

I'm sticking to my guns on the lower fork shock pressure. As a heavier rider, my ideal pressure seems to be between 100-110#. Any more than that and I get wheel hop. Any less than that and the fork bottoms out on big bumps, like 1"+ transitions and such. Saturday will be the big test as I intend to take it up some steeper stuff and see if I have any traction issues. This is fun!!
