Silvio Connectivity

I'm on call 24/7 with the job so I had to maintain connectivity while I ride. I found a great way to do this, at least it's working so far. I mounted my Blackberry (Bluetooth cell, email and GPS) low and my computer high so I can see and operate both at a glance. A Jawbone earpiece works perfectly so I can take and receive calls and messages. The newest Jawbone eliminates background noise so my party on the other end of the line can actually hear me clearly. A stem mounted up front makes a perfect mount for the Polar computer. The Aerospoke wheels make mounting the magnet for the computer a challenge (no wire spokes!!!??) but the solution was to mount the magnet on the valve stem. I'm the only Aerospoke Silvio I know of so far so this likely only works for me? This equipment sacrifices some weight and aerodynamics so I decided for every 4 ounces I add in equipment I have to take off 2 pounds in body weight. It's working on both ends for me so far.


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
That looks pretty good! For your computer mount, you might read up on my homebrew mount made of PVC pieces. Probably a lot lighter than that stem.



Uuummm....that is slick! No doubt a fraction of the weight of the stem. But then I'd have to put some body fat back on....oh what to do...what to do...??!! :?


Zen MBB Master
Stevearino wrote: Uuummm....that is slick! No doubt a fraction of the weight of the stem. But then I'd have to put some body fat back on....oh what to do...what to do...??!! :?
Gain some muscles, not body fat.
Amen brother!! I did 25 miles this morning and hope to get another 25 in tonight after dark. I need to convert and lose all I can!!

I think I'll stick with the stem for the computer for now though....even though Mark's invention is pretty darn slick. He did mention gun racks though.....I have an idea on that........ :mrgreen:



Zen MBB Master
Stevearino wrote: Amen brother!! I did 25 miles this morning and hope to get another 25 in tonight after dark. I need to convert and lose all I can!!

I think I'll stick with the stem for the computer for now though....even though Mark's invention is pretty darn slick. He did mention gun racks though.....I have an idea on that........ :mrgreen:
I'm dreaming of a double side gatling paint gun, such that any car that crosses infront of me can get a blast :twisted:
Well....I don't have a double but I do have a fully loaded UAS (Urban Assault Silvio) with a full auto assault sniper with silencer. Mark gave me the idea when he mentioned gun racks were out of style (huh?). Imagine the sting of the ball impacting the rippled flesh of that pesky doberman that chases you every week? Okay....I'm just daydreaming.....I have 3 dogs and a cat so I could never do that. air horn does the trick on a couple critters that love scaring the beejeezees out of everybody that goes by. I just wait till they're right up close and hit the ear splitting second later they are gone. Isn't it weird we have similar bikes and daydreams? Wonder if all Silvio owners have other similarities? Wonder if Sara Palin has a Silvio?? :?: