Silvio hill climbing


Active Member
HI all

I brought my bike down to NJ this weekend and did my old routes from 25 years ago... stronger then ever on them!

One section is Route 9W along the Hudson River on the Palisades Cliffs... anyone from northern NJ would know this route... on a nice day there are 100's of bikers on this road...Well climbing from the bottom to the top is a 500 ft climb and there are some long steep hills. Climbing these on the Silvio were no problem, no more so then an upright... And on one section that had a 8% grade (pretty steep), I was able to easily past some roadies! I am sure that pissed them off.. getting passed by a recumbent with a mirror with a guy wearing regular shorts! They had their multi color spandex on so they must have been good riders!

But the key to the steep climbs was definitely pulling my chest closer to the handlebars... When I would do this on steep climbs, I could feel the power output go up.. Would love to know the reason for this. Laid back is definitely great for high speed flat cruising, but for steeps hills, pull your upper body forward, and drive your butt into the bend of the seat. Power goes up!


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Great report, Harold. Loved reading it. I agree about the increased power pulling yourself forward in the seat.

Don't take this the wrong way, but, one thing I dislike about some of the other recumbent websites is roadie bashing. They're just riders, too and the thing you need to remember is; just because they are wearing the getup does not make them a good rider. Most people don't want to stand out in a crowd, so they think to get into cycling, they have to look the part (not be a "Fred"). I made that mistake on a ride I was leading, once. Beat up a newbie pretty good because I assumed, since he was wearing all the right gear, he was fit and strong. I was wrong.

I like passing strong riders, too, but I try to judge them by how they are riding, not so much what they are riding, or how they are dressed. I've been on rides before where the whole group got dusted by a teenage kid on a mountain bike. We have a guy in our club that has his seat about two inches too low and rides toe clips (definitely a Fred) and can ride with just about anybody. How does the old saying go? Never judge a book by it's cover!

Sorry, didn't mean to lecture. I just don't like to see cyclists bagging on each other because of their bikes. Recumbent riders lament the fact that nobody likes our bikes, yet we turn around and do the same things? I don't get it. We're all just cyclists, after all. We can't help it they chose those bikes. ;)



Mark B wrote: Great report, Harold. Loved reading it. I agree about the increased power pulling yourself forward in the seat.

thing you need to remember is; just because they are wearing the getup does not make them a good rider. Most people don't want to stand out in a crowd, so they think to get into cycling, they have to look the part (not be a "Fred").


For a moment I thought I might have been a good rider. Now I'm just a "Fred" again :lol:

Also could you folks with the Silvios please tone down your enthusiasm. You're making it very difficult for me, I can't afford one yet. :mrgreen:

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
mi7d1 wrote: Also could you folks with the Silvios please tone down your enthusiasm. You're making it very difficult for me, I can't afford one yet. :mrgreen:

:oops: :oops: Aw man, I'm sorry. It's hard, though, not to be excited! If it helps any, I was in your shoes once. I got so sick of being jealous that I liquidated some bikes I no longer needed. Best decision I ever made. All hail the Kool-Aid!



Mark B wrote:
mi7d1 wrote: Also could you folks with the Silvios please tone down your enthusiasm. You're making it very difficult for me, I can't afford one yet. :mrgreen:

:oops: :oops: Aw man, I'm sorry. It's hard, though, not to be excited! If it helps any, I was in your shoes once. I got so sick of being jealous that I liquidated some bikes I no longer needed. Best decision I ever made. All hail the Kool-Aid!


Good Idea to liquidate. Wana buy a velomobile? Just kidding, it's not for sale yet...


Active Member

I was mega kidding about the spandex stuff! I had regular shorts on but had on my multi-color Cruzbike cycling shirt on! So I was half regular/ half decked out in "official" riding cloths. And until I got good enough on the Silvio, I used the toe straps last year....

It's just getting really addicting...I did 2 20 mile rides this weekend, and will go out tonight on about a 22 mile trip. My daughter has a sleep over at a friends house, so I get a little time to myself tonight!


Mark B wrote: Great report, Harold. Loved reading it. I agree about the increased power pulling yourself forward in the seat.
Don't take this the wrong way, but, one thing I dislike about some of the other recumbent websites is roadie bashing. They're just riders, too and the thing you need to remember is; just because they are wearing the getup does not make them a good rider. Most people don't want to stand out in a crowd, so they think to get into cycling, they have to look the part (not be a "Fred"). I made that mistake on a ride I was leading, once. Beat up a newbie pretty good because I assumed, since he was wearing all the right gear, he was fit and strong. I was wrong.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
cycleguy wrote: Mark

I was mega kidding about the spandex stuff! I had regular shorts on but had on my multi-color Cruzbike cycling shirt on! So I was half regular/ half decked out in "official" riding cloths. And until I got good enough on the Silvio, I used the toe straps last year....

That's cool and I don't really mean to lecture. I just think if we, as cyclists, could drop our petty little pigeon-holing stuff and agree to come together as one voice, we could do some wonderful thing for ALL cyclists. The LAB does a pretty good job here in the US, but could use lots of help. There's money out there to improve cycling facilities, safe routes and such... We keep getting spoon-fed just enough to tease us and I think if everybody could get on the same page, great things could happen in a relatively short period of time.


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Every time one of the grim pants candy ass show ponies sneers at me I see red and make em pay.

Nah, just kidding. Its nice to be motivated though. :mrgreen:

Rick Harker

Well-Known Member
I just leave them all for dead (in my dreams).

The fact is they think I'm as weird as my bike looks 'cos I'm whistling happy sounds whilst riding along my merry way.

I think "Cruzbike" is the perfect naming choice.

Best regards,

Rick (the happy whistler) Harker.