Silvio Review by Bryan Ball,

johntolhurst wrote: Finally the Silvio Review is posted, thanks Bryan. He took the time to get intimate with the bike and appreciate it. As the designer, quality journalists like Bryan are really very important.

Bryan did write a good review on the Silvio. I suspect many were waiting to read his review before they ordered a Silvio. Do you many in stock?

Not to bad a review

Just had my longest ride to date
Still getting the hang of it
Overall pretty happy with my purchase
Steep learning curve, Like they but seems pretty powerful after half a dozen outings
Just did approx 15km
very very comfy bike
Spent over $5000 Aust on this bike and had to build it myself
Could have got a high performance high racer (optima cougar)for $3600 semi assembled
Hope I made the right choice
Time will tell
Will be riding with a friend a lot who has a bacchetta corsa
will keep you all posted on how I go keeping up with him
Silvio sure looks heaps better

Good work John

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I think Bryan's review was a fair representation and I hereby approve. Though he struggled in doing so, Bryan nailed it on the comfort issue. I'll say that it's the most comfortable recumbent I've ridden. After doing two centuries, I believe it to qualify as all day comfortable, too The Silvio is also the fastest recumbent I've ridden. After all these months, I still get excited when I throw a leg over my Silvio and settle back into the seat. This is NOT a bike you will easily get bored with.

GREAT job, John!



Zen MBB Master
Great revue, fair reporting style and well worth waiting for.
-But we all already knew how good the Silvio (and Freerider & Sofrider) really is.

On the report of the Sea Dragon Bryan wrote;
“I’m a bit out of shape (okay REALLY out of shape) after another injury-plagued summer but I still jumped on the Sea Dragon and headed for the steep stuff as soon as I got it out of the box.”
He didn’t mention anything about his shoulder problem testing the Silvio. Having a bad shoulder would have more influence on the Silvio then on the Sea Dragon which is RWD.
Maybe his shoulder didn’t bother him? Just a thought.



Active Member
Yeah, I really should have put an order in for one a few months ago when the Aussie dollar was worth over 95 US cents instead of under 70c like it is now :oops:

(For those who don't know what I'm blathering on about, the Cruzbike prices are fixed in US dollars with the prices for other currencies simply following the exchange rate. As a result the cost of a Silvio in Australian dollars has gone up by 40% since the middle of the year... :eek: )


Zen MBB Master
I thought the review was pretty good. The Silvio has to be one of the best handleing recumbents out there. Jack


New Member
Hi all, first time poster, long time DF rider and pondering the purchase of a Silvio. I read Brian's Silvio interesting review and enjoyed it. Question for you Mr. Tolhurst,

Brian said it was shipped with a double, but he didn't mention gear inches, or what rings and cassette it had. Also, did it have 700c's? Could you elaborate please?


(counting my pennys (and need to sell my beloved Paramount first)

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
silverlugs wrote: Hi all, first time poster, long time DF rider and pondering the purchase of a Silvio. I read Brian's Silvio interesting review and enjoyed it. Question for you Mr. Tolhurst,

Brian said it was shipped with a double, but he didn't mention gear inches, or what rings and cassette it had. Also, did it have 700c's? Could you elaborate please?


(counting my pennys (and need to sell my beloved Paramount first)


I built that bike. It has 700c Campy Vento wheels and 700x23c Conti GP4000 tires.

It uses a 53/39 Centaur crank and a Centaur 13/29 cassette.


At the time it was assembled, we didn't have a provision for using triple cranks for any but the tallest riders. Now we do.

Its sister bike, which I own, uses a Campy Comp Triple drivetrain, 53/42/30 crank (it has a carbon compact double in this picture), 12/28 IRC cassette, Fulcrum Racing 7 wheels (which have had a ratchet defect since day one - not recommended)


Dr. Parker (Cruzbike CEO) has a similar Campy Triple bike, and is super pleased with it, completing the Cycle North Carolina ride, where the elevation profile has "k's" next to the altitude change numbers, with speed and comfort.

We have pictures and other info about Bryan's review bike and the triples - what would you like to know?


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
hello silverlugs,
the concept of the silvio is to provide a road bike frame to customers. That is, take a road bike fitted with whatever classy equipment and components your heart desires and transfer them to the Silvio frame. Whatever they use on the tour, you can use on the Silvio - we are just upgrading the diamond frame. So, yes of course, 700c wheels.

Doug built up Bryan's test bike with Campy, as that's what Bryan indicated he liked. We gave him a double, but a triple works as well.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
defjack wrote: All you really need to change is your bars to Origin 8 Gary clyclocross. Jack

Straight drops can be a little confining for your knees. A lot of us are running Origin 8 Gary's, or WTB cyclocross bars. The guys across the pond favor the On one Midge bars, which are basically the same thing only different.


Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
silverlugs wrote: Thanks John, Means my I can bolt-on my existing wheelset. What gearing did you fit the review bike with?

It's hidden between the pictures...

53/39 170mm crank with 13/29 cassette.