Silvio v1.5 Feb. 2012 build & roof rack

Rick Newton

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The new Silvio v1.5 BB area, & the bike w/o handlebar tape. Shown here on a Thule roof rack.
I want to thank everyone at Cruzbike, including Doug Burton, Jim Parker, & Maria Parker, for putting together and executing the sale, delivery, and support of a well thought-out and beautiful bike. It was fun to assemble and any kinks I had during the process were solved in a quick and efficient manner by the Cruzbike team.
This bike is enabling me to ride again after I gave up my DF road bike several years ago due to bulging discs in my neck & back. I am quickly getting used to its unique handling characteristics and enjoying being on a bike again. BTW - I think anyone riding a Cruzbike for the first time should actually read and heed the cautions on the front of the Cruzbike Owner's Instruction & Safety Manual. Stay off narrow & crowded streets for awhile.

Jim Parker

Cruzbike, Inc. Director
Staff member

Thanks for the kind words, Rick.
That's a beautiful bike. I like the look of the curve on the fron of the boom and how that opens up the FD mount. You should have solid, reliable shifting with your triple chainring. This is one model I haven't ridden yet. I like that roof mounted rack, too. We're headin' south later today for a little bike race in Sebring, FL.