Zen MBB Master
Alright, peectures:
Side view, showing the fibreglas seatpan I moulded off the stock alloy pan,
the seat angle I have settled on and the new chainstay I fabricated that
moved the bottom bracket a little higher than my hip socket.
Rear quarter, showing the BB-seat angle relationship and my very cheap, very light
wheel cover: pink insulation, cut to fit, primered (to hide the pink color) and lashed
to the spokes.
Front view of the chainstay I made... and a glimpse of the rider!
Bottom bracket height; new, longer chain stay.
The other wheel cover, the one most people don't see....
And those are the three front chain rings, the middle one gets half the wear.
The small one is helpful for restful spinning up some of the really steep
local hills, when I'm tired!
Nice pictures, eh?
Sis did a great job!

Side view, showing the fibreglas seatpan I moulded off the stock alloy pan,
the seat angle I have settled on and the new chainstay I fabricated that
moved the bottom bracket a little higher than my hip socket.

Rear quarter, showing the BB-seat angle relationship and my very cheap, very light
wheel cover: pink insulation, cut to fit, primered (to hide the pink color) and lashed
to the spokes.

Front view of the chainstay I made... and a glimpse of the rider!

Bottom bracket height; new, longer chain stay.
The other wheel cover, the one most people don't see....

And those are the three front chain rings, the middle one gets half the wear.
The small one is helpful for restful spinning up some of the really steep
local hills, when I'm tired!
Nice pictures, eh?
Sis did a great job!