Sore shoulders & arms


Active Member
I did a 72 mile (116km) ride on the Silvio this past Saturday with a fair amount of rolling hills. My shoulders and arms were really sore afterwards. Have others had this problem after a relatively long ride? I've put about 500-600 miles (800-950km) on the bike. What are your thoughts? Do I just need more "on-bike" time or could it be an issue of technique and/or adjustment? I've got a "500 miles in 48 hours" ride coming up in about 5 weeks and this could definitely hamper my efforts if not resolved, at least to some extent. Thanks for any suggestions/ideas.


Recumbent Quant
Hi Ted,
If it's a good "I

Hi Ted,

If it's a good "I just worked my @$$-off and now I"m sore" sore, then I'd say that because of the hills, you gave yourself a thorough workout. On a longer ride than your used to, I wouldn't be surprised if your technique changed as you got more tired and this is why you are feeling it now and haven't in the past. When starting out, I found that my shoulders and upper arms were sore after riding (I don't usually get this anymore).

If it's more of an "ow, I just ran into a wall" sore, then that suggests something isn't right.



Well-Known Member
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

- Happens sometimes to me too. The better I get in shape the less I get the sore arms thing. Keep riding!


Well-Known Member
 What they said.
After a

What they said.

After a couple thousand miles on the Silvio I occasionally have soreness, usually has to do with how hard of a ride I did. Rest and recovery days are important too.


Zen MBB Master
Muscle Soreness?

You might try learning how to use -or not use- your upper-body at will.

Step one:
- Return to the basics.
Re-watch the insructions, specifically, pedaling with your hands open and your palms
lightly resting on the hand grips.

Step two:
-Learn to both climb and sprint while lightly resting your palms on the handlebar.

Step three:
-Use your newly learned Cruzbike muscle-management skills to both ride
for long distances and sprint using your whole body... at will.

Good luck!
