So tonight I finally got in a ride using the mobile app (my phone is Android) that comes with the Stac Zero. It is very basic and could easily be improved but does the functions you need it to. It has a screen called
"Show Power Readings" that displays your wattage in large font so that most of the screen is taken up by these readings.
*Instant, *3 second,
*30 second, *5 minute,
*Lap, and *Workout Averages
There is a second screen called: "Detailed Parameters" that among technical data and collecting a log of data (for debugging and support reasons I presume) displays:
-Current wheel speed (in m/s)
-Cadence (an estimate / calculation based on variations in pedal stroke - as per the people at Stac - so would not work if anyone actually had a perfectly round pedal stroke with no dead spots ...) Music experience should give me a reasonable estimation of tempo / cadence - and it seemed pretty accurate to me.
-Current Power
I put some music on, grabbed the phone and swapped back and forth between reading up on Zwift and checking on the cadence / power on the Stac app. I had no issues with zero trainer noise, only the chain was making noise, and was able to vary my power by shifting gears like most simple trainers. In this test case I tried to maintain 100rpm for the ride. (I am small - 135lbs) and I warmed up at about 100W, upped it to 150W, then one more gear to 190ish for a short interval, back down to 100W, another interval at 150W, and a cool down from 100W down. I cleared the workout averages by mistake about 3/4 through
so I'm not sure what my results were.
The test was very successful. Quiet, yes. Smooth, basically not noticing the trainer. And this is without the wheel weights which are to smooth the momentum out for better road feel. Seemed pretty good to me as long as I maintained a reasonably high cadence which is what I am currently aiming to do - increase my cadence. At higher wattage that might be different. I'll let you know if I get larger legs.