This is not about stability but about force applied to pedals for me. My knees don't like high force.So 5mph seems to be the speed at the moment. Do you find that a higher cadence helps you stay stable at slower speeds?
What bike are you talking about?I think higher cadence is more stable. I have a single chainwheel. I am in a dilemma about getting a smaller one. There are a few places where I would like less gear-inches on the way up, but I would spin out on the way down. Nobody tell me to get a double, because I hate them.
With a QX100 I stall at approx. just over 10% inclinations (long durations) when using 34/34 gear ratio and 26" wheels.At what uphill speed do you stall on your Cruzbike and need to get off and walk? What gear ratio are you generally in when that happens? Which model do you ride?
I think higher cadence is more stable. I have a single chainwheel. I am in a dilemma about getting a smaller one. There are a few places where I would like less gear-inches on the way up, but I would spin out on the way down. Nobody tell me to get a double, because I hate them.
2 - 2.5 mph.
The problem that causes stalling for me is spinning out the front (drive) wheel -- I definitely can't balance the S30 at 0mph!
The tricycle prototype otoh, was stable enough to balance at something less than 1 mph.