Team Low Drag hunkers down


Zen MBB Master
By Wednesday the wild week of turmoil settled down and the Team Selection Committee assembled an elite group of recumbent riders. Both Teams, High Speed and Low Drag, looked to be the best ones yet. Then it happened, last minute cancellations, Robert Lloyd crashed on a training run. Thankfully he is OK, but no TTT for him this week. We have a few poor souls who we hope will join but in the end they are simply too intimidated by the enormous brawn and power displayed by this recumbent squad. So what was looking like two strong teams of six was now High Speed Four, Low Drag five. We would have to dance with what we "brung" and dance this group did. This post covers the Low Drag portion of Thursday's Team Time Trial.

Our fearless team leader was none other than Rat Rider, Race Across Texas, Roy Longcrier and he couldn't care less how many racers we were missing. He took us out the gate to the delight of the French spectators who were cheering "bon courage" and "allez allez". He was on a mission to bring all his rookie riders around this famous French TDF course together. An important part of his task is for the team not be the lantern rouge or red caboose, better known as coming in dead last, or he has failed as a leader. Roy has studied under the tutelage of Stephane Poirier from the Herd of Thundering Rhinos. His strategy is a simple one -- brute force will work just fine. Roy needs no stinking help. He got in the front and stayed there the entire race.

I suppose this tactic was due more to necessity than choice since I was the next racer in the pecking order with any TTT experience. When you consider I am the distinguished holder of the WTRL record for the most times dropped by any racer in this event, he didn't have many options. Put me in front and risk losing me while watching my chicken legs and aero belly quickly turn to jelly or just do the job himself. Good choice.

Next on the roster is Greg, the Wattage Cottage, bazooka. Most will remember Greg's inspiring ride from last week where he smashed expectations with an amazing ride. We needed that gusto again and, by George, Greg did it again. With 4 k's to the finish a serious gap was formed in the group. On Discord we got the feeling Greg was losing some confidence; but then came his burst of power and the Wattage Cottage not only closed the gap but became the number three rider right in the middle of a beautiful bunch sprint.

David is our newest rider and it's obvious he is wondering what kind of people he has become involved with. Rumor has it he contacted Homeland Security for background checks immediately after his meeting with us. We don't blame you David. Apparently Homeland Security hasn't caught up with us yet so we passed. David was our most consistent rider. He stayed in the pack well but once tried to run away during the climb up the aqueduct. He was quickly called back and played a strong role through the ups and downs encountered through the rolling parts of the course. David is a strong rider and will just get stronger as he learns the quirks of the TTT.

Our last beloved racer is Gasman Thornton. Me and Bob go way back. I have hoped this Bacchetta CA2 rider would join us since the very beginning. You could identify Bob during the race as he was the one providing the heavy tempo breathing over Discord. Bob had a good first race. Just like IRL Bob can give a great steady pace perfect for wheel sucking. Welcome aboard Bob.

In a nutshell Low Drag came and Low Drag conquered. We hit our marks and Roy maintained his reputation. Next week we raise the bar and continue to march forward. To be successful we will need more from the peanut gallery to join us and help with the pace. If you are interested, sign up on our Roll Call poll found HERE . We are still tidying up the site so forgive the mess. Just like High Speed Low Drag is going to improve so will our site.



Zen MBB Master
Larry glad you asked. Yes, there is a live Cruzbike racing channel but you might have to wait a little and just catch the details on the Team Moose News Show. We used the Mixer Channel for live streaming and on 23 July Facebook bought them out. Facebook moved everything to Facebook Live so I'm currently in the research mode to decide if I want to stay facebook, go Twitch, or switch to You Tube live. Stay Tuned, exciting times ahead.

Rat Rider

Active Member
As much as I would prefer to rag Henry - I must praise his effort to organize this event. Lots of fun.

BTW it's Recumbents Across Texas - not, definitely NOT, Race Across Texas.