There is a Downside to Vendetta


Zen MBB Master
Seductively quick single-track vehicles have a hold on me.

For now, my drug of choice is the V.

It's been raining recently, so I've been attending to some neglected chores.
Chores like pool maintenance.
How come the pool water was crystal clear a week or so ago....
Now it looks like I need to shock it again.
Pool water is never supposed to be so opaquely green.
I've never seen it so green.
It's all my fault.

So the weather broke a bit and I went for another ride, my Sunday ride.
Lots of debris on the road.
Especially in those blind corners.
You guys that crash a lot?
There's debris on public roads.
Public roads are not closed courses.
I can pontificate because, you know, I did not crash.

Climbed the damp, sandy, steep hills and flew down a fast straight.

The pool is still green.
Gotta clear that up: It's fun to jump in, right after a good workout on the bike.


Zen MBB Master
prose and cycling a cruzbike beat prozac for effectiveness. now go hire a pool man and ride some more :)


Zen MBB Master
prose and cycling a cruzbike beat prozac for effectiveness. now go hire a pool man and ride some more :)
That's one of my jobs:
"Pool Boy."
If I hired a pool boy to do my Pool Boy job, the hireling would be the 'Pool Boy's-Pool Boy.'
That would never do.