Tripleizer - or adapter to add triple (granny) chainring to existing double chainring for hill climb

I understand it may be possible to upgrade the standard double chainring on the V2 Sofrider to a triple with a "granny" chainring for improved climbing capability.

I think the Sofrider's front-derailleur already has the range to accomodate a triple chainring, and hope that the rear-derailleur can too.

I'd be grateful if anyone has any experience or knowledge of the suitability of using a "Tripleizer" adapter to add a third chainring.

I see that Doug Burton has done some research into "Triplizers," but found a "Forza" triple crankset which may be superior.



Recumbent Quant
I found it quite easy


I found it quite easy to replace the double with a triple crank. You are right that the shifters and derailleurs have no problem with this.

I would guess that a tripleizer woudln't work on the Sofrider double crank because (1) you can't unbolt the rings so I don't see how you'd install it and (2) without replacing the bottom bracket, I think the triple ring would be too close to the frame. (I've been wrong before... :) ).

If you want a triple (and I personally think the Sofrider should have an option come with a triple crankset so I completely agree with you here), I think you're better off switching out the bottom bracket and buying a proper triple.

I suspect you're right,

I suspect you're right, Charles. The "Tripleizer" is just one of those tangents I stumbled across in my quest for a triple chainring solution. Thanks.