Unicycle riding

On Saturday I had my longest trip on my unicycle from home to the center of town. I rode through town and was about to pass a lady with a dog and a little child in a stroller when she started running she didn’t see me and she slowed down and I was able to pass her. My total distance was 6 km I was real sweat when I came home. My average speed was slow just a little faster then walking speed. I spoke with several persons I meet and some had some entertainment.
The reason I mentioned this is that I found out unicyling is very good training. You don’t have to train for a long time and you get a great work out. Going down hill on an ordinary bike you can relax but on a unicycle you have to use your leg muscles as brakes.
There are of course some down sides also the seat is not very comfortable and there is a longer learning curve then on a Sofrider. You can also get injured but so far I landed on my feet I have used crutches to help support if I loose balance. I am now able to ride about a 1 km without stopping. Still on the learning stage but improving.
Without learning to ride a Sofrider I don’t think I would have started off on a unicycle. Children learn faster but adults can also learn.


These people are on a higher level then I am very impressive, my ambitions aren’t that high. They have a very good balance and I’m sure they have strong legs with all that training. This shows that you train your body to do difficult things with systematic training. If some of these people started to ride a Sofrider or Silvio I think there learning curve would be short. On a Silvio some of them would be very fast. :cool: :)
