Luis Rives
I have owned Softrider for two years and having been convinced on the Cruzbike concept and advantage, ready to move up to a more sophisticated ride. My riding is exclusively on a paved rail trail currently 15 miles long and slated to be extended to 24 miles in one direction by the end of 2018. Sometimes I like to take my time and / or ride as fast as I can which in the Softrider has been about 20mph. To me the V20 is like the P-51 Mustang in that they both look fast standing still (which they are once they get moving). The thought of riding fast on the V20 is rail trail is totally thrilling. On the other hand, I have read about the superior climbing abilities of the S40 and while the rail trail is not that steep (railroad grades are inherently limited in how steep they can be) there is some slope to it. I would like to hear from riders using the V20 exclusively for casual riding, not competitive riding, regardless of the speed and how suitable it might be for this purpose.