Vendetta as a randoneuring bike


New Member
How hard/easy is it to set up a Vendetta as a rando. bike? (panniers, hub dyno, maybe mudguards)? Seems like it'd be a good platform.


Well-Known Member

Dan Fallon used his Vendetta on a 400K brevet. See his blog at

My opinion, one I intend to test out later this year, is that the Silvio would be the better choice for randonneuring, in much the same way as most randonneurs ride long wheelbase comfort oriented bikes rather than racing bikes (although not all). If I switch to recumbents I think I might be in the market for a Vendetta for double centuries. For comparison my current DF stable is a Trek 5200 carbon for doubles and a Waterford steel with Mavic Open Pro wheels with a Son20R dynamo hub. A Cruzbike would have to have the hub on the rear wheel with attendant wiring to the headlight.




New Member
Thanks Mick-
I think I'd like

Thanks Mick-
I think I'd like the more reclined seat position on the Vendetta (and a little more speed never hurts). Hill climbing ability is a necessity.I'd also use it for gran fondo/sportif riding which is more "like" racing.


Well-Known Member

I was faster on the Vendetta for 250 miles than I could have been on the Silvio. Both bikes are suitable for brevets. The only thing that slowed me down was my own unwillingness to follow a cue sheet with 79 turns. Instead, I decided to just follow what I thought would be a fast group. That was a BIG mistake. At one point the group scolded me for taking the paceline lead at too fast a pace. They made it clear: if I wanted them to navigate I would have to go slower. Sucked!

I'm fine with the Silvio on brevets. I just like being faster on the Vendetta.

Everybody has their preference in ultra events. Me? I have decided to do my own navigating from now on; even if it means I have to deal with cue sheets that look like a Mayan codex. (That sucks, too.)


Well-Known Member

Not all brevets have such complex cue sheets fortunately, as they mostly are out in the boonies, especially the long ones. Can you put a rack on the Vendetta? If not that could be a big factor for brevets longer than 400K.



New Member
Not all brevets have such

Not all brevets have such complex cue sheets fortunately, as they mostly are out in the boonies, especially the long ones. Can you put a rack on the Vendetta? If not that could be a big factor for brevets longer than 400K.


That's really my question. Can one be set up with a rack and panniers.


Recumbent Quant
(I've never seen a vendetta

(I've never seen a vendetta in real life, so that sets an upper limit on how much this is worth, but:)

I've got to believe that you could rig something up. The more weight you'd want to carry, the more nervous I'd be, but between attatching things to the seat stays and the headrest, I think you'd be able to setup a rack that could hold a decent amount of weight...

Whether you'd want to risk it on such a nice bike, well, that's much more of a personal question. :)




Well-Known Member
BUC Seatbag - Aerobag

Maria and Jim Parker used a seatbag from Bent Up Cycles at Sebring this year. You can check out their pics of the event and you can check out the Aerobag itself on Bent Up Cycles website. I have one and it's great. Holds all I need and more.

If you want to camp and do multiday self-support tours / randos you'll have to consider a rack or an Extra Wheel.


Zen MBB Master
Vendetta for Touring?

I saw this in the French recumbent forums and I thought it might answer some of the questions in this thread. Don't know how he attached all those bags
though but they look like they strap over the seat. Some neat custom work.

alt="Touring V"

And a youtube video here:

Details in the french forum:

You may need google translate though.
So it's not sacrilege

So it's not sacrilege afterall to saddle up a Vendetta like a mule for touring. I would add fenders/mud guards.


Zen MBB Master

If you look carefully at the front wheel, you will notice that it has a fender too.


Well-Known Member
The bag is from Radical Designs

The bag is probably the "Banana" from Radical Design in Holland. I own their Side Panniers M (for Medium) on my Carbent Sea Dragon where it's simply slung over the length of the seat.

Not cheap (~ 200 Euros) but durable, good aerodynamics and great color choices (I got orange).