Rick was the CF headrest more comfortable than the Adem with the Aluminium FB support, or is all the comfort due to the Open mesh head rest cushion?
SS, the new CF is more comfortable than the ADEM. I had the Ventisit cushion on the ADEM also. I'm speculating the CF maybe absorbing more than the aluminum. I noticed today and yesterday, I lifted my head less, and felt the need for a strong black cup of Joe to keep me from dozing
That is a NICE sunny day!!!
Yes, finally it came out in full force.
Is your new CF rear bag going to be the same shape as your existing black bag?
Yes, I working on it now. It will be my first prototype, hopefully soon.
Awesome... Are your S-Ones tubeless? If they are you probably dropped the pressure a tad to make it more comfortable? Also Rick do you notice a significant difference?
David, mine are standard tubed. I run from 90 up to 110 psi, depending on road surface I will be riding.
I know air pressure can make a significant difference on the ride, as far as comfort. I can't really feel any difference, from the seat of my pants, in performance between the lower and high pressure.
I think the significant difference in the smooth ride is the custom seat mode, with the rubber mount blocks between the seat frame and the seat. Lots of bad and good road surface around here and I'm able to ride fairly comfortable on moderately old chip seal, and not notifiable worse than the Silvio...Like I'm not thinking, "next time I'm riding the Silvio on this road instead of the Vendetta".
Are you running the 28 mm Ones below 85 psi, and if so is there are effect when cornering?
I don't purposely run the tires below 85. For me, I'm staying MF recommendations, because I'm in the mid 40 MPH's coming down some of the mountains, and just don't want to chance it.