Vertical Storage on Bike Pole


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For those of without American garages or the expanses of African space, we make do squeezing our precious bicycles into our space efficient apartments. Not only does this limit the number of steeds we can own in the likes of Singapore, Hong Kong or Japan, we try and find ways of storing our lovely rides. Recumbents pose additional challenges to DF's...

Now these are now the sentinels who greet people who open my front door! The vertical concept is to save me valuable space in the foyer, and I can also just fit 2 folding bikes below. I like the pic without my wife's Dahon better, so have left it out!

I had long been wanting to neaten up my foyer, which my wife so kindly allows me to clutter with my Brompton and my Silvio. A super cheap US$40 online group buy, got me this regular bike pole that attaches to floor and ceiling. Some trial and error allowed me to use the "DF frame hooks" as "Silvio wheel hooks" - nicely holding her vertically. I wasn't sure whether I could even hold Silvio like this, but turns out she is quite stable.

The saving storage space mantra was part of the reason I changed to regular drop bars from the stock Silvio bars. It makes a significant difference walking past my bike in the foyer!




Before her final positioning,

IMG_4222.JPG  height:534px; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px;
Before her final positioning, this pic better shows how the frame hook hold on to Silvio's wheels. All four points are in contact.


zen/child method
up and away

Outstanding,,,, ha-ha,, please excuse the pun.

I assume drilling holes in the wall is NOT an option / allowed.

Hope this brings additional peace to your home.