Video Under Seat with GPS Overlay


Here's a ride report documented by my under seat camera, the Mobius ActionCam. I had thought of this mounting location but only recently attempted it after being spurred on by Rick's similar mounting in his video (
)! Mine is stuck on using the inexpensive Mobius helmet mount which works excellently for this application. The safety strap also holds a USB battery pack which gives me 10+ hours recording time - more than enough for an always on traffic camera. Very discreet and stable! I prefer this to my helmet mounting cos I didn't like having the camera there regularly.


The new Mobius (if you buy now be sure you get the new one) has a 60% higher capacity battery that now records for a more respectable 2 hours. Great for catching ride highlights, but for use as an always on traffic cam for commuting, any camera would need an external pack that runs longer.
I was really pleased with how the free Garmin VIRB Edit software worked out. Now at ver 2.8 they have worked out a lot of kinks and I see no reason to pay for Dashware or RaceRender. I was looking for a free software solution and this is it! I had to pass my Mobius MP4 video through avidemux (very fast) before VIRB Edit would read my Mobius MP4, but I read online that GoPro MP4 imports no problem. VIRB Edit makes it easy to import Garmin FIT or any GPX file and sync the GPS data and video. I use a Garmin 810 but it will work with any GPX data. Garmin has really given the sports community a gift as you do all this with any video source and any GPS data. Even if you don't want to take the time to render and share your videos, VIRB Edit immediately plays back your HD video and overlays the GPS data with excellent quality in full screen so you can enjoy it on your computer.


My next attempt will be to replace the Mobius internal battery with a step-down voltage circuit ( that someone else showed worked well with the Mobius ActionCam. This allows it hook it up directly to my Li-Ion battery pack that runs my front light. Since I am running the light all the time for safety, my camera would always run whenever my lights are on. One less item to charge, and charging once a week for my commuting purposes! I tried to make the Mobius camera more weather resistant by adding some tape and clear epoxy inside the case. A side benefit for the epoxy inside the Mobius is that acts as a "light pipe" that refracts the LED lights making them much more visible than the old setup. But in a moderate rain today, the waterproofing didn't work. I don't have it yet, but I think I will go for the Joovuu waterproof case for the Mobius at only $15-20.


And now finally here is the video! While the front wheel is visible in the middle of the video, I find it adds character and context! :)


Guru Schmuru
killer write up Ivan!

I'm on Bob's budget (the 3-laws) for now - but when/if that changes I'll use this write-up to inform my decisions!
Thanks for sharing.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Neat and informative

I love it when some writes this stuff up; now I don't have to go learn how to do it. Props to Garmin for making this free; looking forward to using it if the Rideye every ships. Now someone needs to create a way to link GPX/FIT to a time lapse video that's only 1 frame in 6 or 10; the math would be pretty straight forward if someone thinks it up.

Eric Winn

Zen MBB Master
Ivan your Silvio does NOT like stopping

Ivan, your Silvio does NOT like stopping...

When you come to a stop, while waiting for a stop light or similar your speed slowly creeps up from 2 or 3 km/h to about 10-12 km/h or even more all during the time you are stopped!

Is this an artifact of the video editing or something else?

Cool video and it is fun to watch and compare to your first ride video.

You don't seem to shift much out of the larger cassette cogs. I think I'm more in the mid range and smaller end of my cassette on that kind of terrain but I may be wrong.

Very nice write-up and HOWTO. I need to try this out - when the current ice age ends - it is 14F (-10C) outside right now...



Eric caught the GPS error.

Eric caught the GPS error. It's a GPS artifact where due to natural errors the data will show you bouncing a few meters around one location. When you are moving, this averages out and is insignificant. When stationary, the Garmin Edge has certain algorithms that read your speed as zero. However, Garmin's VIRB Edit does not do this and reports this as movement. Others have reported this too on Garmin's forums. They say they just use the raw GPX data. I also reported it and asked if they can use their Edge algorithm instead! However, it's FREE software and really good at that so I can't complain.

Ratz, while not exactly time-lapse. I can set my camera to record at 5fps or 15fps for example. Then when doing playback or rendering, playback at 2x or 6x. This saves recording space and gives the same effect as time lapse.

Lief, the camera's not exactly disposable at US$60 but then again not GoPro expensive either. I already had my Garmin Edge, and almost everyone has a USB battery pack lying around. So it's really inexpensive. Getting to run as a fully on traffic camcorder with 10 hours run time, fully waterproof and neat wiring is another story though. I am trying to plan that now...

VIDOMETER - For super easy casual videos on your iPhone that also capture speed etc try the free Vidometer app. I use this one when riding with my young son. I just flip it out and record him riding for a short bit. The following video is done with Vidometer and Splice apps - all on the iPhone - while riding my Brompton not my Cruzbike SIlvio! :)



Guru Schmuru
New Mobius for $60

I googled around and couldn't find a Mobius avail at US$60 nor could I find the new one you say has a 120min battery life.
It is one killer little camera tho and even at the prices (~US$80) and battery life (~80min) I'm finding - it's a great option.

Plus, it's not a big ol' brick[coughGoProcough] sticking off of...wherever.

I have to admit shamefully that I looked at your overall post and didn't dig deep to see just how inexpensive an option it is.
It LOOKED like an expensive post. :)



Hi Lief,
I love a good deal

Hi Lief,

I love a good deal as much as anyone out there! But I misquoted as I got mine at $69 not $60. The price varies significantly if you are buying from a US or UK seller. There are a few fake Mobius cameras out there, so I recommend you buy from the Hong Kong manufacturer and seller "eletoponline365" via ebay - this was recommended by others more knowledgeable about the cameras than me. You can get other accessories from him too. But if you search, the helmet mounts and bike mounts are actually cheaper by a few dollars elsewhere on ebay. The new V3 camera is the one with better battery, light pipes, and higher power charging circuitry. Be sure you ask whether you are getting the new one or not. It's only just released so there's still old stock out there.

For the waterproof case, it's made by third-party UK reseller called JooVuu. He has good prices for battery and the super-capacitor accessories if you need extras. Since you pay for shipping it's worth it only if you are buying the waterproof case. The super-capacitor replaces the battery inside the Mobius and is optionally used if you want to run an external power source thus preventing overheating and killiing the intenal LiPo battery. Look at the prices of buying the camera too in a package from them. They have the V3 camera already.

And if you are into soldering stuff, here's the tiny DC step-down converter that will allow you to wire the Mobius into any high powered Lithium battery pack you may have (I have not done this yet).

All the technical details of this camera are on this RC forum (the guys there worked with Mobius designers to build it, that's why it's so light - it's made for attaching to RC planes and copters).


Zen MBB Master
Traffic?  Ivan should try

Traffic? Ivan should try Gallows Corner in the bad-lands between London and Essex.

I thought I had a high cadence. Are Ivan's legs going round really fast or are mine going round really slow?

super slim

Zen MBB Master
When are you going to post

When are you going to post your long ride home video, as I hope it does not have as much traffic?

I live in Adelaide South Australia, and the drivers here treat cyclists as targets, especially utes and trucks, with tray tops wider than the cab!!!

Was the recording at 15 fps?
what is your average cadence?

super slim

Zen MBB Master
8-20 V to 5V DC 3A

8-20 V to 5V DC 3A waterproof buck converter with male micro usb connector

This could be an option from tail light battery with a y piece cable set to suit.



Mine is the standard lens,

Mine is the standard lens, which is already quite "wide angle" so I find that sufficient with less distortion than the super wide angle lens.

This particular recording was at 720p 30fps which I sped up 2x in VIRB Edit. Of course the camera can so 1080p 60fps - I just had the settings lower.

I took a ride in the rain and drowned the camera! It still works after drying it but the LiPo battery died so I am waiting for a replacement. I am gonna try the supercapacitor next.

My commute rides almost always have this amount of traffic! Unless I am going to work on a Sat morning...



Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
For those that like the Virb

Adding to the list of camera options. Clever Training is clearing out it stock of the original VIRB cameras. While not the fancy ones with emedded GPS; sill a good camera and a lot of us have GPS tracks from other sources any how.


Yes the lower end Garmin

Yes the lower end Garmin VIRB looks really good for the price - 3 hr video time I think. I am a Garmin fan and have a VivoSmart on the way. If price was not a factor I would get that VIRB Elite camera! :)

In other battery pack options for lights and cameras, I came across this not so common waterproof 4x18650 lithium battery casing that is waterproof. The unusual thing is that (a) it has user replaceable 18650 cells so you can buy good Panasonic cells at cheap price and can easily take them out and balance them, say once a month, and (b) has a 5V usb connector in addition to your typical light connector. Design not perfect as you would still have to waterproof the usb connector yourself but interesting! Note the sellers do not include the batteries, just the casing:
