Was a bad boy


Well-Known Member
Was behaving myself as much as I could today as I was puttering along, minding my own business..... Then it happened. Caught sight of an DF in the distance so the old nature kicked in and I shifted but kept the same RPM. It took a while but did catch the DF right before having to turn off to use the potty. So I go back on the road and again minding my own business, I get my doors blown off by a bunch of DFers. I was wise, I know when to pick my wars...... Anyway after about 25 miles of back to being a conservative rider, I accidently caught a father and son on MTBs. As I passed the younger, being polite I said hello or how ya doing? and being nice, he responded "good", almost told him it was not nice to lie. But I slowly caught the elder, passed him in a similar manner and spoke kindly to him. He said "hi" and then laughed at my pieced together Mongoose cruzbike conversion. It really ticked me off, almost beyond words..... So I mumbled "later", shifted, picked up the RPMs, and ended up zipping along nearly 20 mph for about a mile. I got paid back for my actions, as both legs decided that I was not a nice guy after all and started doing their cramping bit........ BUT, It was worth it........... :D