We did it! We donated to buy an S40 for Ak-Tux!

My V20 frame with parts and extras came in a foam bag-filled-box 44 x 19 x 9 inches. It worked well. Maybe Cruzbike can provide some guidance or sell some supplies.


A further update:... “Instapak”. It’s sealed bags with two chemicals that mix and quickly expand into a firm [foam] that conforms to the irregular shape it’s confined in. Seems perfect for a bike in a cardboard box.
You are right @billyk - Instapak is amazing. We receive sensitive fragile solar beacons packed with them. They are ideal for packing irregular shaped things into cardboard box shapes. Nothing moves as long as you pack so all moveable parts are trapped in 3 dimensions or all voids get filled. That appears really easy from what I have received. It can actually be pretty hard to unpack sometimes.


Zen MBB Master
But they told me on the phone that everything is in flux - no big surprise - so I’m waiting. Meanwhile, the box is sitting in our living room, but since we have no guest these days it’s not a problem.
As always, thanks Billy for your efforts and generosity. I believe it shall all work out eventually.