Wear Sunscreen


Zen MBB Master
Ladies and Gentlement of the Cruzbike class of 2008: Wear Sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your Cruzbike. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your Cruzbike until they're gone.

But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much road lay before you and how far you've gone.

You are not as fast as you imagine.


However even though i did wear sunscreen, it did not help me enough. I was out riding almost 5 hours yesterday, and since it was hot i toke my t-shirt of, thinking that sunscreen would be enough. Well, it wasnt. So i couldnt bear to ride back today :-(
So my advice would be wear sunscreen AND T-SHIRT.

Riding stats:
111,7 km
4:51:06 biking time
23,01 average kmt
50,72 max kmt
145 average pulse
191 max pulse
I drank almost all those 4 liters of water i brought with me.

I did take about a 30-45 minute lunchbreak a little over halfway, and some stops to look at the map. During lunch i ate too much and of the wrong kind. This affected performance for about an hour. I started a little over 8, and i was at my target a little over 14. The first hour my pulse seemed to be mostly in the 130-140, later when i went inland and more hills arrived, it raised to 150, and later to about 170. Maybe it also raised because it was hot. Maybe because i was going faster, after an hour my average speed was 20.1 or something like that.

There was a few times when my but started to hurt, but a quick stop and a look at the map usually solved that, maybe because i also stood up and walked arround. My feet were numb at some times, but other times it wasnt, and i dont understand what made it differ.

At some part of the way my bike was making noises when i pushed with the left leg. The harder i pushed, the higher the noise seemed to be. I wonder why and what it is?
I liked the sunscreen scene many can learn something watching it. ;) I am sure your long distance riding will improve with more training. :roll: :cool:


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
The sunscreen video was cool.... Thanks for sharing!

Nice.... Metric century (your first?) and over 14 mph average speed... Good job!



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote: The sunscreen video was cool.... Thanks for sharing!

Nice.... Metric century (your first?) and over 14 mph average speed... Good job!
Yeah, first ever. I dont think i ever rode that long on a bike before, i cant remember any such ride. If only i had worn a t-shirt saturday :-(