What I did to prepare for Sebring 2017 ---today


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Finish up the year with recovery ride yesterday Whorl with Kaweah today which was 5 x 10 minute efforts at threshold. Chatting with Jason while doing it; it was really clear that when the zwift images said to my brain that i was on a down hill that 218 watts felt much easier than when the images said I was going up hill. So what I need is a VR headset that fakes out my brain with a perpetual down hill overlay in my visual field. Tomorrow we start out 2017 with a 3.5 hour lazy trainer spin.
Test out UCAN as a fuel for threshold work. Hard to choke down pre-ride. We'll see how I feel tomorrow to see if it worked.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Is that lowering or angling? I changed my angle by heating the bend and bending it. Worked very well, after a long trial and error period my head rest problem was finally solved.
First step - I just cut 1 1/2" out of the "upright section" - This is to mostly account for my head bring lower on account of taking the 3cm of ventist pad, plus I have always felt the headrest was a little "tall" for me.
What I really wish I could do was move the far back curved section about 1 1/2 forward (just loose it actually). I don't think it really supports my head very well, plus it interfears a little bit with my helmet.
I am trying to make one that is adjustable. I'm experimenting with 1/2 CPVC pipe now with is 5/8" OD. Also have 5/8" oak dowel. Both fit very nicely in the aluminum tubing.
I can cut the CPVC quickly in different length and fasten together with SS hose clamps.
Once I figure out the optimal length, then I can cut the oak dowel (or find some 5/8 OD alum tubing and pin it all together.

Then of course I have to figure out how to mount my tail box on a shorter headrest. (It was almost touching my rear wheel as it was. It might take some time, or just a complete re-design of the tailbox.


headrest mod-1.jpg


I've learned something over these last couple days. I ride a bike for the enjoyment of riding the bike. Kinda like the weight lifter who picks things up and puts things down. I pedal my feet round and round. And really enjoy it............. would like it a whole lot more if my numbers weren't so pathetic :). See you at Sebring!)

Trplay, I feel your pain. 6 months ago I thought I needed to ride at Sebring. I thought the 4F program was a good way to prepare. Sept. I bought a heart monitor. Oct. I bought a trainer. I began with a 4 day a week plan that morphed into 5 days. When the Ultra Sebring plan was rolled out I jumped on that. Now I'm at it 6 days. This has become a big part of my life right now. I'm sure I'm making gains that would never be possible outside. I doubt I would ride my bike outside 6 days a week first off.
Some of the rides on the US plan are out of my comfort zone. Even though I have had a few months to transition, 5 - 10 minute intervals at 95 - 99% ftp are no ride in the park. I have found them mental as much as physical. I keep thinking this is all in preparation of Sebring. In my last ultra ride I was little bummed over my pace and lost a little interest when the going got tough around 18 hours. I chugged out 200 miles. This met the lowest goal for that event. When I mentally challenged by my body wanting to quit, I have learned that i can persevere.

I have learned that riding indoors is not riding outdoors. There are benefits to both. Looking forward to March when I can get out of the newly thawed roads of Indiana.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Trplay, I feel your pain. 6 months ago I thought I needed to ride at Sebring. I thought the 4F program was a good way to prepare. Sept. I bought a heart monitor. Oct. I bought a trainer. I began with a 4 day a week plan that morphed into 5 days. When the Ultra Sebring plan was rolled out I jumped on that. Now I'm at it 6 days. This has become a big part of my life right now. I'm sure I'm making gains that would never be possible outside. I doubt I would ride my bike outside 6 days a week first off.
Some of the rides on the US plan are out of my comfort zone. Even though I have had a few months to transition, 5 - 10 minute intervals at 95 - 99% ftp are no ride in the park. I have found them mental as much as physical. I keep thinking this is all in preparation of Sebring. In my last ultra ride I was little bummed over my pace and lost a little interest when the going got tough around 18 hours. I chugged out 200 miles. This met the lowest goal for that event. When I mentally challenged by my body wanting to quit, I have learned that i can persevere.

I have learned that riding indoors is not riding outdoors. There are benefits to both. Looking forward to March when I can get out of the newly thawed roads of Indiana.

That's a good was of saying Riding isn't Training and Training isn't Riding. Training will make your Riding more enjoyable but sadly Riding doesn't make Training easier. The first spring I went outside on Day one and laid doesn't 55 miles and got home thinking shoot I should have went 80; the light bulb went on. I ride often to just get myself away from everything else; both do that; but in vastly different ways.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Managed to get 3D versions of Sebring route loaded into BKOOL simulator. Had to break them into 4 Segments. Today I will try and ride the first half of the course segments 1 and 2 with 13 "BOTS" to see what it feels like to roll down that route. Should be interesting. It's not the entire 12 hour duration; but it's the track; the out and back, and about 4 laps on the big loop. Ride is now publicly available and it is possible to join the system for just 1 month and the cancel it. We'll report back how it works. Probably will ride in ERG mode via TR and just let BKOOL be the visuals for the 3 hour training session schedule for today.

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Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Saturday Dec 31, 2016 was a busy day!
Hauled my KICKR, V20, bunches of seats, pads, tools, and misc parts up to my LR.
Set up a 2nd TV on the coffee table to watch Zwift, so I could watch the bowl games on the main screen above.

LR setup.jpg

Built a shorter V20 headrest (cut out 1 1/2" of the height. Fits better I think and my head is a little lower.

headrest mod.jpg headrest mod2.jpg

Took my tailbox off the original headrest. (I had to grind the bolts off as they were not SS and rusted shut). Bought all new SS hardware to put it back on the new headrest.

Measured, weighed and fitted 4 different seats (original V20, Thor, M5, railgun versions) to the V20. (Determined the V20 is still the best, although I really like the railgun and integrated tailbox, but it just doesn't look like it will fit, even if I cur the lower rib off, and can't bring myself to do it to this $1000 piece of art!)

V20 with lower headrest.jpg V20 with M5 seat.jpg

Tested 5 different thicknesses of padding (railgun 1 1/2", 3cm Ventist, 2cm ventist, M5, and something even thinner (1/4"", and nothing.) I think I might try and go with the super thin one) I still like the Ventist for the way the sweat stays off you body though. It will be interesting to see how much aero difference each one has in the wind-tunnel.

V20 higher headrest.jpg V20 lower headrest.jpg

Then the BIG job: Took my stubby handlebar off and removed my straight slider (boom) - yes with all the internal brake and di2 cables. (no small task)
Then I installed the curved slider. I only put back the TT shifters and left the brakes for another day - as the day was almost gone and I still wanted to ride between 4 and 5 hours to test out the setup.
More Aero? Who knows - have to wait for the wind tunnel testing to be sure!

V20 Striaght slider.jpg V20 slider off.jpg V20 curved slider.jpg

Then I rode about 4 1/2 hours (LSDoZ) Tried to keep my HR at about 130 while watching Clemson beat up on Ohio State!
Had a lot higher wattage today than other days. Must have felt a little better, but still hacking and coughing a lot! Going on 10 days now - ready to be done with this for sure.
Happy New Year!


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Started out 2017 with 3:30 of aerobic bliss called Lyell. Good easy ride after 6 straight days 4 of which were threshold worked. Rode the first leg in the BKOOL simulator of the Sebring route and that was "meh" partly because the simulated route was boring and 2nd because it was dead flat. Probably going to be better off just watching larry's video's or converting larry's raw footage into Cyclops format.


Donut Powered Wise-guy
Yeah when you guys where talking about making the simulation of the course I was like "what's the point, it's a flat course do what's to simulate?"

If you want to simulate something simulate the wind :rolleyes:


Hi All
Lyell was the ride that capped off 7 straight days of training. With the way Christmas fell I shifted my Monday off to Sunday. My TSS on TR for this week is 672. That is a 50% increase over my previous high. I don't expect to eclipse that number for while. Certainly not prior to Sebring. Lyell was a fun ride. If you like watching football and basketball. I saw the second half of the Ohio St. and Ill game. Ohio rallied back from 12 pts down to make a game of it, only to wind up short. The Lions and Packers game was on but it was late in the ride and I couldn't focus on the game enough.
BTW, when starting a 3:30 ride, be sure to have a lot of water. I finished the ride rationing the last hour. When I was finished cramps caught up with me. I drank possibly 2 water bottles after the ride.
I will enjoy this accomplishment while watching the bowl games on my day off while my TSS is 0, again.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Took yesterday (Jan 1) off - well off the bike at least - spent a good part of the day hauling all my biking stuff back to the garage and then when Gayle came home we took down all the Christmas decorations. (= many trips up and down the stairs hauling boxes) - I aught to get at least 40 TSS for that! ;)
Today I road Carillon +`1 (the plus one just adds another 2 of the 10 minute SweetSpot intervals to the workout). No Zwift - Cable and internet down - so I went back to my old standby - Using TR, watching my race videos, listening to mp3 bible readings and worship music. I think I like this better in many ways! :)
After virtually no speed or SweetSpot riding since last Wed but around 15 hours of endurance, this workout was almost a shock to my poor old body.
After I got through with the first 2 10 minute sections which have you ride ( 4 sets of 2 minutes at around 90% FTP then 30 seconds at 95% FTP) followed by one measly minute at 100 watts, then those 10 minutes hard again - I just did not think I could handle 4 more 10 minutes intervals at around 240 watts. :eek: I felt so crummy. Of course still coughing and hacking every minute or so.:confused:
But after the first 2 sets of 10 minutes, and the 5 minute easy spin, I was able to ramp back up and settle in and get into a groove for the remaining 4x10 minute intervals.
My HR pretty much remained constant at just under 160 even into the final interval which made me feel pretty good as well.


Last week with all that extra Zwift endurance riding I over-shot the weekly TSS by 395 points, which put me in the "red" and forced Ratz to text me and tell me to lay off or I would risk getting "sick" er.
I am trying to over-shoot the basic TSS by about 140 a week so I'll end up with about a 90 CTL by Sebring. This means only and extra 140 a week though, so I did over-do it by quite a bit - and will probably go into a slight downhill fitness ramp over the next 2 weeks (especially since next week is a "rest" week) as I can't hold and increase 900+ TSS until Sebring.

Hard to believe Sebring is only 5 weeks from this Saturday. Just "yesterday" it seems like it was 3 months away.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Yeah when you guys where talking about making the simulation of the course I was like "what's the point, it's a flat course do what's to simulate?"

If you want to simulate something simulate the wind :rolleyes:
I was after understanding the timing of the curves in the heavy traffic beginning. Unfortunately didn't work but was worth a try; larry's videos are better; all beit at a speed I won't ride.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
forced Ratz to text me and tell me to lay off or I would risk getting "sick" er.
and yeah you're already sick.....

For mortals 60-70 CTL is more than enough for a A event. With Jason's permission I can tell you what he raced at last year because we now have his fall data loaded and it's clean enough to (project backwards) draw some comparative data, estimates but the trend is there. For a real "A" event tapering back down to 90-100 is perfect to max out an Athlete. That's hard to do. If you over shoot that you get a sub optimal effort. All of Larry's records occurred on the Decline from 110-80CTL.... so he's target of 90CTL means the rest of will be watching him from behind. So much for Sebring being the B event before RAAM. Oh btw larry, Jessie replied to me, he's 90% he's going to be a Sebring for the 100..... If you do the 12 hour you going to be able to resist chasing him?

Everyone else on a plan is at about 50 CTL right now, I don't forecast final peaks because that jinxes it.

My last week was the same as Ken, see he's post for exactly how I feel; today is a rest day and a very needed one.

The amount of training data for CB bikers we now have in the data set is probably record setting and interesting. After RAAM we should have some very telling stuff. But what I know already today. For efforts requiring more than 5 minutes of steady power output; the V20 is a weapon of unmatched potential. Everyone else is bringing a carbon bat to a gun fight. :)


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Oh btw larry, Jessie replied to me, he's 90% he's going to be a Sebring for the 100..... If you do the 12 hour you going to be able to resist chasing him?
Thanks - I had already contacted him Jesse a couple months ago asking him what he was going to do. I was trying to talk him into riding the 12 but he was pretty set on the Century. I initially had hopes of getting a solid 6 or more fast bent riders that could challenge a 300 mile 12-hour mark. Never heard from JV, and Kent Polk will not be there either. And with Jesse and Jim and others just doing the Century, and Jason doing the 24, that wipes out a lot of riders for the 12-hour. If the few of us left can could stay together we might be ableto beat Kevin's 276 from last year - but we'll obviously never be able to flirt with 300. If perfect weather, etc, maybe 288 is within reach. (i.e 24 mph avg)
As far as chasing Jesse (or Jim, or you - or course I probably will not be able to resist. But I'm hoping I can just hang back and draft off of all the Century power riders (Jesse, Jim, You, etc), pull out a quick sprint a the end :)p) and then just keep on going for another 8 hours


I got some parts in the mail today. That was nice. I'm awaiting to receive my Chinese Magicshine clone.
I worked on my headrest tonight and broke it in two. Back to the drawing board to reinforce.
I had planned to ride my workout now. TR has different plans. I don't know if it's local internet, or TR is inundated with resolutioners. TR stops every 3 minutes. I might try later or tomorrow morning.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Here we go inside bike training for today's update......

Ah the joy that week 5 for sweet spot work brings.:emoji_sob:

One of the fun challenges of building a training plan is managing the fitness "ramp." The body can only absord so much training at a time as we get to week five the ramp gets a bit steep as we push the slope towards five. Anything above four is yellow and the danger zone.

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 10.10.06 PM.png

Rate of increase on these blue bars is the ramp where blue bar equals fitness. I hit 4.2 on Wednesday and 4.5 tonight; couldn't finish the wednesday work out and barely barely hung on for dear life tonight. Such is the balancing act you can only get so fit so fast. 6.25 hours of training left for the week and then it's a recovery week and without recovery there is no going forward. the 90 minute .87 intensity ride on Friday might be the killer.

This is a failed workout didn't heed the warning signs during the workout had to shut it down and go home. Happens sometimes
Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 10.20.13 PM.png

Today I was smarter heeding the warn signed; insert qty 2, 30-second back pedals to drop heart rate then suck it up and finish the work out

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 10.23.07 PM.png

By comparison PluckyBlond was wearing down last week and skipped the optional Friday ride; leaving her ramp at only 3.4; well below the yellow. She made it through the ride and didn't think it was unbearable.

Rest week T-minus 3 days :emoji_ambulance:


Donut Powered Wise-guy
yes you have permission to post my data here, it's not like anyone would understand what any of it means anyways.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
yes you have permission to post my data here, it's not like anyone would understand what any of it means anyways.
Exactly; randomization to confuse everyone. Looks like I was chasing you about 100yard behind for 20 minutes tonight.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Scolded by Ratz for building extra TSS and going "into the red" last week, I have "seen the light".
He reminded me that RAAM is my "A" race for the year and Sebring is not! I was ramping quick be in tip-top shape for Sebring but at the expense of our RAAM training ramp.
Anyway - I have turned it down a notch and am now "with the program" and won't be doing +1, +2 or +anything workouts any longer. I will stick to the schedule like glue! :)

So, Palisade today - What most that are on this plan will get tomorrow - They should rename it "Torture Chamber" instead because it is quite hard. (I'm a day ahead of most of you on this plan, as I shifted the workout one day to start on Monday and have Sunday as my rest day).

Wow - this was a tough workout for sure. After only the first 9 minute interval I just did not think I had it in me to do 4 more - I did, but barely!
The workout: After a warmup period:
5 x 9 minute intervals (with each interval starting with 1 minute at 95% of FTP, then 2 full minutes at 105% FTP - then do that 3-minute "set 1min of 95, then 2mins of 105% " 2 more times for a full 9 minutes) - OK - that is one (1) - of the 5 intervals.) Are you kidding!!!!
Then a 6 minute rest period of easy spin at about 40% FTP between intervals.
All I can say it that 6 minute rest interval flies by so fast you would swear it was only a minute or 2, whereas the killer 9-minute interval that makes you average above your FTP seems like it lasts "forever".
But stay the course - It will hurt, and your brain will tell you that you can't finish, but push through those lies and you will be glad you did!
(Your reward is to get to do Mount Alice tomorrow for 3 1/2 hours at 0.68 IF - call it a recovery ride - and then a well deserved rest day!

2016.1.6 Palisade Workout.PNG
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