What the well-dressed rider wears these days


2406CA2A-8C54-4878-8E20-23BA8C6BE483.jpeg Masks interfere with breathing, so here's another solution: a soda bottle split in two, plus a strap and a foam pad on the forehead. Make the opening below your chin large enough to allow airflow and it doesn't fog up. Tested on some of our local hard hills. Search "face shield from soda bottle" for directions.

Yeah, I know you don't really need a mask for riding, but it's a pretty stringent test. It's quite comfortable, but the real advantage is that people can see your face.


Active Member
The only reason I don't wear a visor like this is that on longer rides a headache can kick in because of the distorted vision, even from proper protection visors - they all have a small distorsion. Other then that, it's a really neat solution especially in bad weather.


You can tell a lot about a man by his ... front flower garden, visor, face shield, bike...

Is the visor a pop bottle too? could you post a template?


... and his pink t-shirt?

The visor is thicker plastic. The shape and configuration are designed for our recumbent head position, protecting my face from rain (to some degree) and sun (my homebound commute is westward).

It's a kluge! Held on by zip ties. The red ones sticking up are often compared to devil horns, though I tell people they're for aerodynamic efficiency.