Windwrap fairing anyone?


Zzipper fairing on Quest

I put an old Zzipper fairing on my Quest without difficulty. The link below shows photos of an early (crude prototype) version of this, but it will give you the idea. I keep meaning to take photos of the newer, spiffier mounts, but never got around to it so these will have to do.

All the mounting hardware is handmade (by me). It's high-density polyethylene (the stuff they make cutting boards from). The fairing manufacturers sell mounts but they are heavy and bulky and ugly. My plastic and aluminum mounts are extremely light but do the job very well. I ride in heavy winds without a problem. They even held up in a bad crash (another story coming here soon).

This fairing is not perfectly suited to the Quest because it bubbles up too far in the middle and curves down at the back end. It's meant for a more upright situation (Bike-E). On the Quest that means rain water slides back and into my lap. Since I live in Seattle, and use the fairing mostly for raingear (I commute year-round), that's a definite disadvantage. I'm in the process of building my own fairing and will post pics when it's done.

I've looked into the various manufacturer fairings and concluded that another of the Windwrap ones is better, for the Quest at least: the BLC. (Scroll down about 1/3 of the way down the page below for the best pic). It's a lot like their Cafe fairing but longer. Another possibility is their GX (same page, a little higher). Unfortunately Windwrap does not give precise specs so it is very hard to judge.

Huh! The link to the Windwrap page "triggered the spam filter and was rejected". So no link. OK, try the link on Sylvain's post above, click "Click here to return to fairings main page" (near the top), and start scrolling down. Does that work?



Active Member

I think this is a Windwrap in this thread

Someone else tried the Streamer fairing.
