WUCA Record Attempt Report - Larry Oslund - Mar 20, 2024


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Good luck Larry!
My mistake - I had a typo in the date - I actually completed it on Mar 20 -
Spoiler: I set 7 new WUCA and Guinness World Recods - pending final certification by WUCA
Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)Existing records : male 60-69, recumbent
100 Km Road02:36:25.0238.3623.84Larry Oslund 2022-06-12 00:02:24:33 25.79
200 Km Road05:13:06.0138.3323.81none for 200 Km - upright Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 00:05:26:09 22.86
300 Km Road07:53:56.8137.9823.60none for 300 Km - upright: Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 00:08:28:07 22.01
500 Km Road13:35:17.0436.8022.86none for 500 Km - upright Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 00:15:16:15 20.34
Distance Event MilesTimeAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)Existing records : enter categories
100 Mile Road04:12:16.4223.7838.28Larry Oslund 2022-07-14 00:03:56:08 25.41
200 Mile Road08:39:01.3823.1237.21none for 200 Mile - upright: Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 00:09:12:19 21.73
300 Mile Road13:04:50.6422.9336.91none for 300 Mile - uprint : Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 00:14:37:05 20.52
Timed EventMilesKilometersAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)Existing records : enter categories
6 Hour Road142.491229.31723.7538.22none for 6 Hour - upright Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 136.652miles 22.78mph
12 Hour Road278.055447.48723.1737.29none for 60-9 bent in12 Hour - but 18-49 Byron Gremley 2000-08-12 241.473 miles 20.12 - upright - Peter Scherrer 2020-10-02 255.376 miles 21.28mph

Here is the link to the fulll report:


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I thought you were going for another one so soon lol.
I actually probably am - maybe tomorrow - There is a new Self-Supported Category. You have to have power, data and video yourself the entire time on a surveyed course. Since it is a new category this year - there are no records yet - in any age group!