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  1. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Sweet: first recumbent, first on my age group! Haha!
  2. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Hey all, Quick update. Finished around 4:15! Lead group of about 50 broke up around mile 50., after sharp turn and some of the biggest climbs. I TT'd after that averaging close to 25, passing at least 2 sub groups. Had lead group in site, then made 1 wrong turn, so lost a minute. Started...
  3. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    I've been up since 4am. I think Chris is more excited than I am - He's been up since 3:30! He's taking such wonderful care of my needs: coffee, check list, foot massage, whatever I need!! haha! We are on the road now, about a hour drive to the start. Also: there is am Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo...
  4. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Yup, a large group of upright riders did this. If you can ride 25 mph on your own, Then 29- 30 with a good draft is about the same effort. I don't think they will be able to go that fast on this course because there are so many turns. A lot of the up hills are after turns too, which doesn't help...
  5. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Thanks again everyone. Pretty excited about the race tomorrow. We drove the whole route today. Lots and lots of turns and crossroads! I am told that there is a group that rode the "Hotter than hell 100" in 3:26, and most of them will be here in this race, so it will be blazing fast! Sitting her...
  6. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    Thanks again everyone. I'm here now at Chris's place. Unpacked bike last night and reassembled. It is 95% done. Gonna finish it up this morning and then scout out the course this afternoon. May ride that last 25 miles or so if time and weather permit.
  7. LarryOz

    Little tweaks

    It's all downhill from here!!!
  8. LarryOz

    How Many Watts Are Needed To Break The Current 24HR World Record?

    It depends on who is tracking the "record". UMCA recognizes, road, outdoor track, and indoor track as different records. Speeds will generally increase from road to outdoor track, and also from outdoor track to indoor track.
  9. LarryOz

    How Many Watts Are Needed To Break The Current 24HR World Record?

    FYI Jason - Strasser is going to do a 12 & 24 hour record attempt on a track sometime soon. My bet is that he will eclipse his 566 mile record, so if you beat it, beat it by a lot - Might as well train to break 600! ;)
  10. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    C.R.U.Z.B.I.K.E ... paceline - Since it's a "sprint" - we can just break away at the start and they'll never knew what hit them! :D:rolleyes:
  11. LarryOz

    Diet: Low Carb and Ultra Cycling

    Actually I do, but not a really big one! (but I can see "the big one" - tallest peak off to the right is Mt. Pisgah. It's about a 5o mile ride to get to it, via the Blue Ridge Parkway This is what it looks like in the fall.
  12. LarryOz

    Early Days

    Way to go - welcome to the Tribe!
  13. LarryOz

    Diet: Low Carb and Ultra Cycling

    How many watts do you want? Since my race will be over before yours - whatever I have left I will text you!:D
  14. LarryOz

    How Many Watts Are Needed To Break The Current 24HR World Record?

    I'm not sure how far away you are from Borrego. But, if it were my, I would ride one of the loops at the speed you want to maintain and see what kind of power it took you to do it. 200 watts for 24 hours is a tall order. You see able to do NP of 200 for about 12 hours on a mountainous route, but...
  15. LarryOz

    Emmitt Smith Grand Fondo Century on 9/17/2016 - Results

    OK - stop sending me money! (I've honestly never thought I would say that!) :D:p:eek::rolleyes:;) But it feels good to do so! Even with the price of the plane ticket going up $130, and finding out that I have to pay $150 (each way) for the bike, I still have enough. As I said before - 'The...
  16. LarryOz

    Diet: Low Carb and Ultra Cycling

    You are funny Ratz! I think we both lost some wattage with our weight loss, but we are better off for it. Can't wait for the winter - strength building regime! haha But - first things first: There's still serious racing to be done: so - hope you guys "kill it" this weekend. Can't wait to read...