Search results

  1. Gromit

    IGH on a Silvio?

    This page on Harris Cyclery appears to confirm the Alfine 8's dropout width as 132 mm. :) "132 mm rear axle spacing may require spreading the frame of older model bikes.."
  2. Gromit

    IGH on a Silvio?

    I searched for the specs of the Alfine 11 but couldn't find the dropout width dimension. :( I seem to remember that the Alfine 8 is 132.5 mm wide though. Maybe somebody could confirm this? So for a road bike dimensioned frame such as the Silvio, you have only to open up the fork legs by 1.25...
  3. Gromit

    Xootr Swift folding bike as donor bike ???

    Thanks Doug I guess that those dimensions would also be very useful to folks looking for a donor bike for conversion? ;) :) May I suggest, that you could put it in the Cruzbike FAQs? ;)
  4. Gromit

    Xootr Swift folding bike as donor bike ???

    I notice that nobody answered the question on the height of the Sofrider's top tube. :( Based on manstir99's side view of the Sofrider V2, I notice that the red line is tangential to the spoke face of the rear wheel rim. I took that measurement off another bike's 26" wheel and got the result...
  5. Gromit

    Race Around Slovenia

    Jim I've sent you a private message. ;) :)
  6. Gromit

    Suggestions for Rear Rack?

    Phil JT and I batted around an idea on how to attach the front end of a rack in this thread last December. It involved inserting a fitting through the rear shock pivot but AFAIK no-one actually tried it. ;) :)
  7. Gromit

    What is a "Real Motobecane" :) Its the accent (?) ;)