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  1. ratz

    Theft / tamper alarm

    At this price I am going to order one and install it inside the Silvio frame. Cheap little extra protection. Scooter alarm
  2. ratz

    Silvio 2.0 seat pad = Vendetta V2 Seat pad?

    Does anyone know if the new Silvio 2.x seat pad is the same size the the Vendatta? I and loving the Silvio seat angle and it seems to work well for my neck injury. But I work up quite a sweat on the trainer and want to put a ventisit pad onto the bike, as I have had great luck in the past with...
  3. ratz

    Silvio 2.0 Build Diary

    For those that are interested I am doing a photo build diary on my Silvio 2.0 over at BROL to get this wonderful bike a little more pub. When I am done there will be a hi res PDF created which I will post here. In the mean time if you are interested in following along here is the link If...
  4. ratz

    Jagwire parts include but not documented

    My Silvio 2.0 came with a small group of jagwire parts. Two hard plastic cable end cover with a very narrow end; and two rubber inserts of some type. Anyone have documentation on what they are for; and a good idea where they get installed?
  5. ratz

    Torque Specs?

    Just checking to see if I over looked any torque specs the frame. For example the Bottom Bracket Clamps. Most everything has locktite blue on it so I am assuming most of the frame isn't depending on torque values to keep things in place.
  6. ratz

    HR Clamps (Silvio 2.0 Manual page 4 )

    On Page 4 of the Silvio 2.0 manual there is listed item no(s): 3, 4, 5. The diagrams shows Qty 2 plastic clamps being added to the bar of the head rest. Even though the headrest bars are not in the diagram; it seems clear that is the intent. What exactly are those suppose to do? I...
  7. ratz

    Insert inside the Elastomer hole

    Not sure I have seen a picture on this before. On the seat tube there is the threaded hole for the Elastomer. There is a meta disc in there with two holes in it. It looks like it is either cross threaded or the tube itself isn't suppose to be cut square. Thought I should post a picture of it and...
  8. ratz

    BB face and chase?

    Ok so the frame kit arrive; yeah. On inspection the bottom bracket is painted all the way though. I am assuming that the rule still holds that I should get that chased and face by someone with the correct tools? That is one of those exotic tools I do not have in my kit.
  9. ratz

    Planning for Vendetta - Basic Questions

    Sorry this will probably be mundane and indulgent..... I have finally made the decision to invest in a Vendetta, assuming the bike will have me :) I crashed out my DF several year ago resulting a next injury that precludes safe riding head-first even if I could stomach the neck pain...