Search results

  1. ratz

    Fixing Crank Length

    Had to fix the crank length of Ollie's MBB. She's much happier now. Like all bike uprades the first one took 20 minutes but the second one took about 2 minutes.
  2. ratz

    A guide to wildlife

    This might be of useful for us to review currently. :p
  3. ratz

    Assault on Mt. Mitchell - 2015

    The week of fun isn't over yet. Reminder tomorrow is the The Assault on Mt Mitchell. 6:30am the "fun" begins. I know Larry's riding; anyone else got the tally sheet of the foo.... err brave riders?
  4. ratz

    those darn laws.....

    It would be clear violation of law #1 not to point out that these are now shipping in volume: Now I must remind myself that just because they've been shipping snow board products for years; technically it's not been shipping for a year; so if one...
  5. ratz

    Self motivation is a good thing

    In honor of her being out on the road for her first solo 60 miler today (and it really isn't warm out). I thought I'd point out that having a self motivated spouse means never having to kickr in da... Yeah we have his and her's trainers now so we can race in the basement. :p
  6. ratz

    LOL My day job

    Pretty much what Eric, Larry and I do.
  7. ratz

    Quest be nibble, Quest be Quick, Quest rode over the rumble-strip

    I'm not one to watch really long normal speed videos unless they are for the trainer; i much prefer the time lapse ones under 5 minutes. But I was setting up this one for the trainer and realized it demonstrates really well that you can take a 20" Quest a wide variety of road surfaces even while...
  8. ratz

    Cruzbike School is open Again

    It's that time of the year again. Time to teach a new Batch of riders. George came out and braved the March weather. Got his Quest last year and never got to ride it due to a motorcycle accident. Needless to say he was itching to go this spring. Good example of how well someone 6'5" wiht long...
  9. ratz

    Down Hill Form

    Couple of threads I kept seeing are about going down hill under control. It is always mentioned by the veteran riders to relax and it's easy. So here's a video of what that should look like form the cockpit. Until you can go nice and smooth like this; keep practicing and save the pedaling until...
  10. ratz

    Video Ride report

    This is some what interesting. Mrs Ratz did a ride on a windy day last weekend. We had a Rideye camera filming forward and a Fly 6 recording backwards. I have edited them together and put them into a split-screen video; with data overlays. It's far two long to watch the entire thing; but it is...
  11. ratz

    Shine on you crazy diamond

    Well this weekend was suppose to be a 100 miler on the trainer. But thanks to a failure on our main Storage Area Network (SAN); I got to tend to status bars all weekend. So what's a bike guy to do while waiting on RAID rebuilds and consistency checks... Why, open up the garage, bike shop, of...
  12. ratz

    Navigation 2.0

    It's almost warm enough outside to start looking forward to regular outdoor riding. This past Saturday I had the chance to do my first shake down ride of navigation upgrade. The result was a pleasant success out of the gate. The plan this summer is to ride a lot of new routes and avoid...
  13. ratz

    What difference a year makes

    This struck me as interesting. It was about a year ago that we were finishing up building Mrs. Ratz's Silvio. After a year of learning to ride and putting in the time to train all winter I had to make good on my promise to upgrade her ride. This is a good example of how the bike your...
  14. ratz

    You could have had....

    check out this baby and only $900 Don't don't miss the reviews
  15. ratz

    Larry and Gary's Excellent Adventure - Aka Sebring 2015

    And the boys are on the road. First photo is in; 3 V's in a box. If we didn't know they were going to be set free on Saturday this would be criminal containment.
  16. ratz

    So you want to make your own bike parts

    Not sure how I missed this one. $5500 is almost gob stopping cheap when you consider what a small manufacturer could do with this.
  17. ratz

    Fun with wheels

    Ok something to liven up the winter months. I've been working on the custom graphics for my wheel covers and the deep v rims. I thought it would be instructive to see what the rest of you like. Here are the 10 theme proofs that we are playing with for the disc covers. The higher...
  18. ratz

    Posting pics

    i noticed a few people mentioning hitting the file size limit posting pics. Since I do that a lot (go figure), I thought I would point out that if you resize your photo to 800x600 @ 72 dpi they will post here just fine. That 72dpi is a given but I added that incase someone tries to over think it.
  19. ratz

    Silvo + Trailer

    Ok so by the time summer gets here we'll have another rider in the stable. Which means family outings will require at least one of the Silvios to roll with the Quests. So I'm starting to consider whether I dare pull a axle mounted trailer with the Silvio 2.0. I'm thinking that would perhaps...
  20. ratz

    Ventisit - Arrives

    Got the marketing email today and ShaZam the Ventisit seat pad is now an Accessory. That's excellent news and I'll take a second to point out that the price at $99 is pretty nice too. It's was costing me about $125-35 to bring them in with conversion and shipping; from the suppliers website...